7Returns/sets the text displayed in the ButtonMenu item.AOccurs when the user selects an item from a button dropdown menu.pReturns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is in a disabled state.hReturns/sets the ImageList control to be used for storing images displayed when a button is highlighted.Dropdown!Toolbar Text Alignment constants.BottomRightpReturns/sets a value that determines whether button text is displayed below or to the right of the button image.1Returns the number of SubItems in the collection.HAdds a ListSubItem object to a ListSubItems collection only at run time.$Removes all objects in a collection.LReturns a specific item of a Collection object either by position or by key.,Removes a specific member from a collection.#Returns current position of column.+Returns/sets the subitem's report view icon