40017 SelectorTool 40018 ShapeMaskTool 40019 FreehandMaskTool 40020 PaintOnMaskTool 40021 SmartMaskTool 40022 MaskTransformTool 40023 MaskPointTool 40024 CropTool 40025 PaintTool 40026 AirbrushTool 40027 CloneTool 40028 TextureTool 40029 SmearTool 40030 EraserTool 40031 SharpenTool 40032 SmoothTool 40033 LightenTool 40034 DarkenTool 40035 GradientFillTool 40036 TextureFillTool 40037 ColorTintFillTool 40038 SmartFillTool 40039 ShapeDrawTool 40040 FreehandDrawTool 40041 PolylineTool 40042 TextTool 40043 None 40044 LineArt 40045 Grayscale 40046 PaletteColor 40047 RGB 40048 CMYK 40049 Hard 40050 Normal 40051 Soft 40052 Inside 40053 Outside 40054 Center 40055 CircularBrush 40056 SquareBrush 40057 HorizontalLineBrush 40058 VerticalLineBrush 40059 ForwardSlashLineBrush 40060 BackslashLineBrush 40061 Linear 40062 Radial 40063 Circular 40064 Elliptical 40065 Square 40066 Rectangular 40067 Hard 40068 Soft 40072 Freeform 40073 ConstrainAspect 40074 ConstrainSize 40075 Freehand 40076 Automask 40077 PointEdit 40078 NormalColorModel 40079 HSLColorModel 40080 CopyMask 40081 MoveMask 40082 CopyImage 40083 MoveImage 40084 Value assigned to %1 property is invalid. Acceptable values range from %2 to %3. 40215 Value assigned to %1 property is invalid. Consult reference for acceptable values. 40216 %1 argument invalid. Acceptable values range from %2 to %3. 40217 %1 argument invalid. Consult reference for acceptable values. 40218 Contrast 40219 FullTonalRange 40220 Highlights 40221 Midtones 40222 Shadows 40223 FeatherAmount 40224 SmoothAmount 40225 Angle 40226 RepeatCount 40227 ImageType 40228 Width 40229 Height 40230 Resolution 40231 SmoothAmount 40232 Windows 95 %d.%d 40233 Windows NT %d.%d 40234 Win32S on Windows 3.1 %d.%d 40235 RedAdjust 40236 GreenAdjust 40237 BlueAdjust 40238 The specified filename is invalid 40239 The specified %1 does not exist. 40240 Macro 40241 Palette 40242 Mask 40243 File Format 40244 Subsampling 40245 Compression Factor 40246 Compression Type 40247 Edge 40248 MergeMode 40249 Transparency 40250 TonalRange 40251 MapChannel 40252 Balance 40253 SaturationShift 40254 LightnessShift 40255 HueShift 40256 SaturationShift 40257 Tool 40258 Hue Angle A 40259 Hue Angle B 40260 Hue Angle C 40261 Hue Angle D 40262 Hue Angle E 40263 Hue Angle F 40264 Hue Angle G 40265 Hue Angle H 40266 Hue Angle I 40267 Hue Angle J 40268 Hue Angle K 40269 LightnessShift 40270 Threshold 40271 HighlightsSacrificed 40272 ShadowsSacrificed 40273 Shadow 40274 Midtone 40275 Highlight 40276 MaxHighlights 40277 MinShadows 40278 Frequency 40279 Intensity 40280 Method 40281 Amount 40282 Blur 40283 Pressure 40284 Degrees 40285 Smoothness 40286 ShiftAmount 40377 CrystalSize 40378 Power 40379 Size 40380 Shifts 40381 Grain 40382 DitherType 40383 PatternSize 40384 Direction 40385 Brightness 40386 Depth 40387 Red 40388 Green 40389 Blue 40390 StrokeLength 40391 Levels 40392 Light 40393 TileSize 40394 GroutWidth 40395 GroutLightness 40396 Distance 40397 BrushSize 40398 ColorVariation 40399 CellWidth 40400 CellHeight 40401 Amplitude 40402 Wavelength 40403 SacrificeHighlights 40404 SacrificeShadows 40405 CrackSpacing 40406 CrackDepth 40407 Strength 40408 Radius 40409 Shape 40410 RedX 40411 RedY 40412 GreenX 40413 GreenY 40414 BlueX 40415 BlueY 40416 %1 argument invalid. Consult reference for acceptable values. 40417 ScannerMap 40418 PrinterMap 40419 Cyan 40420 Magenta 40421 Yellow 40422 Black 40423 ColorSweeps 40424 GradientType 40425 Midpoint 40426 Name 40427 PointSize 40428 Justification 40429 MaskComponent 40430 Range 40431 Fade 40432 The specified %1 Object is invalid 40433 Color 40434 ColorMap 40435 Component 40436 In 40437 Out 40438 Units 40439 Map 40440 ChromaMask 40441 Optimized 40442 System 40443 NumColors 40444 Index 40445 Sensitivity 40446 MinimumLineLength 40447 Mode 40448 ZoomFlavor 40449 Control 40450 EventName 40451 Requested dispatch is NULL. 40454 E11 40455 E12 40456 E13 40457 E21 40458 E22 40459 E23 40460 E31 40461 E32 40462 E33 40463 From 40464 To 40465 Entries 40466 Filenames 40467 Entry 40468 Image 40469 Import 40470 Gamma argument invalid. Acceptable values range from 0.1 to 4.0 40471 BrushShape 40472 FillStyle 40473 StringList 41000 PPF 41001 PP5 41002 TIF 41003 PSD 41004 GIF 41005 PNG 41006 DCS 41007 EPS 41008 JPG 41009 PP4 41010 AVI 41011 PCX 41012 SCT 41013 RAS 41014 CCITT 41015 TGA 41016 BMP 41017 DIB 41050 Normal 41051 Additive 41052 Subtractive 41053 IfLighter 41054 IfDarker 41055 Color 41056 Hue 41057 Saturation 41058 Luminance 41059 Red 41060 Green 41061 Blue 41062 Cyan 41063 Magenta 41064 Yellow 41065 Black 41066 Filter 41067 Multiply 41068 Difference 41069 Texturize 41070 Invert 41075 Master 41076 Red 41077 Green 41078 Blue 41079 Cyan 41080 Magenta 41081 Yellow 41082 Black 41085 Full 41086 Highlights 41087 Midtones 41088 Shadows 41090 AllEdges 41091 HardEdges 41092 SoftEdges 41095 Bright 41096 Normal 41097 Faded 41100 RoundDot0 41101 RoundDot45 41102 VerticalLines 41103 HorizontalLines 41105 Normal 41106 Line 41107 Point 41108 Ripple 41109 Thin 41110 Soft 41111 Medium 41112 Hard 41115 AllEdges 41116 HardEdges 41117 SoftEdges 41120 Average 41121 Median 41122 Minimum 41123 Maximum 41125 Wind 41126 Blast 41127 Stagger 41130 Left 41131 Right 41132 Center 41135 Pixels 41136 Inches 41137 Centimeters 41138 Milimeters 41140 16Grays 41141 16Colors 41142 256Grays 41143 256Colors 41144 24BitColor 41150 None 41151 Pattern 41152 Scattered 42001 Rotate90NOTIFY 42002 Rotate180NOTIFY 42003 Rotate270NOTIFY 42004 RotateNOTIFY 42005 OpenFileNOTIFY 42006 SizeNOTIFY 42007 InvertNOTIFY 42008 ExpandNOTIFY 42009 FlipHorizontallyNOTIFY 42010 FlipVerticallyNOTIFY 42011 FlipDiagonallyNOTIFY 42012 ConvertNOTIFY 42013 GradientNOTIFY 42014 TintFillNOTIFY 42015 ClearNOTIFY 42016 CutNOTIFY 42017 TextureFillNOTIFY 42018 SmartFillNOTIFY 42019 ContrastBrightnessNOTIFY 42020 ColorBalanceNOTIFY 42021 MapNOTIFY 42022 OpenFileLowResNOTIFY 42023 SaveFileNOTIFY 42024 EmptyNOTIFY 42025 ToneBalanceNOTIFY 42026 PosterizeNOTIFY 42027 HueMapNOTIFY 42028 ApplyCalibrationNOTIFY 42029 ShapeMaskNOTIFY 42030 FreehandMaskNOTIFY 42031 SmartMaskNOTIFY 42032 TransformMaskNOTIFY 42033 TransformObjectsNOTIFY 42034 SelectObjectsNOTIFY 42035 MoveObjectsNOTIFY 42036 SetObjectsTransparencyNOTIFY 42037 OrderObjectsUpNOTIFY 42038 GroupObjectsNOTIFY 42039 DuplicateObjectsNOTIFY 42040 MergeMaskNOTIFY 42041 PasteFromNOTIFY 42042 PasteNOTIFY 42043 LoadMaskNOTIFY 42044 EffectNOTIFY 42045 RemoveMaskNOTIFY 42046 InvertMaskNOTIFY 42047 FeatherMaskNOTIFY 42048 FeatherObjectNOTIFY 42049 TextNOTIFY 42050 EditMaskChannelNOTIFY 42051 CombineObjectsNOTIFY 42052 ActivateWindowNOTIFY 42053 NewImageNOTIFY 42054 EditUndoNOTIFY 42055 MaskUndoNOTIFY 42056 EditApplyNOTIFY 42057 CopyToFileNOTIFY 42058 TransformImageNOTIFY 42059 CopyToNewImageNOTIFY 42060 PaintBrushNOTIFY 42061 AirBrushNOTIFY 42062 CloneBrushNOTIFY 42063 TextureBrushNOTIFY 42064 SmearBrushNOTIFY 42065 EraserBrushNOTIFY 42066 SharpenBrushNOTIFY 42067 SmoothBrushNOTIFY 42068 LightenBrushNOTIFY 42069 DarkenBrushNOTIFY 42070 PaintOnMaskBrushNOTIFY 42071 UndoEraserBrushNOTIFY 42072 DrawShapeNOTIFY 42073 DrawFreehandNOTIFY 42074 DrawPencilNOTIFY 42075 PaletteEditNOTIFY 42076 ObjectAlignNOTIFY 42077 SetObjectsMergeModeNOTIFY 42078 OrderObjectsDownNOTIFY 42079 OrderObjectsToTopNOTIFY 42080 OrderObjectsToBottomNOTIFY 42081 CombineSelObjectsNOTIFY 42082 ObjectPositionNOTIFY 42083 ObjectLockNOTIFY 42084 ObjectCombineObjectsNOTIFY 42085 PluginFilterNOTIFY 42086 CropNOTIFY 42087 CropToMaskNOTIFY 42088 CloseImageNOTIFY 42089 SaveToAlbumNOTIFY 42090 RemoveHolesNOTIFY 42091 CreateClipObjectNOTIFY 42092 ChromaMaskNOTIFY 42093 MaskSmoothNOTIFY 42094 MaskFromObjectNOTIFY 42095 ObjectFromMaskNOTIFY 42096 ObjectUnLockNOTIFY 42097 UnGroupObjectsNOTIFY 42098 PointEditMaskNOTIFY 42099 SimilarMaskNOTIFY 42100 FastBitsNOTIFY 42101 DeleteObjectsNOTIFY 42102 StrokeMaskNOTIFY 42103 SelectObjectRelativeNOTIFY 42104 ObjectLayeringNOTIFY 42105 CopyToClipboardNOTIFY 42106 SaveMaskNOTIFY 42107 ThresholdNOTIFY 42108 HueShiftNOTIFY 42109 EditTextNOTIFY 42110 DiscardUndoNOTIFY 42111 GroupNOTIFY 42112 BranchNOTIFY 42113 EndGroupNOTIFY 42114 RotateObjects90NOTIFY 42115 RotateObjects180NOTIFY 42116 RotateObjects270NOTIFY 42117 RotateObjectsNOTIFY 42118 AnyImageEventNOTIFY 43000 Paint 43001 Airbrush 43002 Texture 43003 Smear 43004 Sharpen 43005 Smooth 43006 Lighten 43007 Darken 43020 Brush Tool 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels