The Add Files dialog allows you to select files from anywhere on your computer to be added to the current archive in one action. The 'File & Folders to zip' box will display the icons and full file name of all files to be added. This single dialog is used for all add actions including context menus and drag/drop.
The 'To archive' box shows which archive the files will be added to. This will normally default to the archive currently open within EnZip. You can choose an alternative by clicking the '...' button.
To add a file, or folder, select (highlight) your file and click the 'Add Files' button. The selected files should now be listed in the 'Files & Folders...' box. You can continue to browse the computer to add more files, if required, and click the 'OK' button when ready. EnZip will proceed to add all the files to your archive and provide visual feedback on the progress for large file selections.
The Action box lets you choose from the following options;
The Add Files dialog also allows you to specify wildcards such as '*.txt' or 'myfile00?.doc' for including (or excluding) from the add operation. For example, to include every file in the current folder except .doc files, you would enter '*.*' in the Filter box and click the 'Add Filter' button, then enter '*.doc' and click the 'Exclude Filter' button. (Note exclusions are listed with a cross beside them to show their status). Clicking the 'OK' button will now add all files except those of the .doc type.
To password encrypt your files, click 'Use Password Encryption' to place a check in the box. With this option checked, when you click the 'Add' button, EnZip will prompt for a password. Once in the archive, to view or extract these files you will be required to give the correct password. Note that for additional protection, EnZip requires the password for every action within a single session. Also note, encrypted files are indicated by EnZip with the '+' symbol.
Additional Options
Clicking the 'Options' tab at the top of the dialog will open a second page with more options to control the way your files are added to the archive.
The Compression list lets you set the compression method for the add action. There are five methods ranging from maximum to no compression. Maximum compression is the slowest method, but results in the smallest archive file. No compression is the fastest method, storing the files in the archive without compression, and results in a larger archive file.
The Multiple Disk Spanning list controls how EnZip handles disk-full conditions while creating a new archive on removable media (eg a floppy disk). These options are disabled unless you are working with a new archive on removable media. When enabled, the following options are available;
The Options box, lets you specify some additional details for the add action;
The Attributes box lets you specify additional details relating to file attributes;
The Modified Date box allows you to specify;