Sambar Server Documentation

CScript Constants

A constant is usually just the written version of a number. For example 1, 0, 5.73, 12.5e9. You can specify constants in octal or hexadecimal, or force them to be treated as long integers.

Octal constants are written with a leading zero, i.e. 015. Hexadecimal constants are written with a leading 0x, i.e. 0x1ae. Character constants are usually just the character enclosed in single quotes; 'a', 'b', 'c'. Some characters can't be represented in this way, so a 2 character sequence is used:

'\''single quote
A string constant is surrounded by double quotes, e.g. "Sambar Server". The string is actually stored as an array of characters. The NULL character '\0' is automatically placed at the end of such a string; this acts as a string terminator.

Below are some examples of other types of constants:

int123, -1, 2147483647, 040 (octal), 0xab (hexadecimal)
double1.23, 3.14e+0f
Note: An integer starting with a zero is assumed to be octal, unless the character after the zero is an 'x' or 'X', in which case the number is assumed to be in hexadecimal.

ASCII Character Codes

HexOctalASCII   HexOctalASCII   HexOctalASCII   HexOctalASCII   HexOctalASCII   HexOctalASCII

Predefined Constants

The predefined constants that are always available are:
__FILE__The name of the script file presently being executed. If used within a file which has been included, then the name of the included file is given, and not the name of the parent file.
__LINE__The number of the line within the current file which is being parsed. If used within a file which has been included, then the position within the included file is given.
__MEMORY__The amount of memory consumed thus far in the program.
__CALLDEPTH__The call depth of the program at this point in the execution.
__STATEMENTS__The number of statements executed so far in the program.
TRUEA true value (integer 1).
FALSEA false value (integer 0).
NULLThe NULL value.

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