T2T converts separated files to HTML tables, separators are: (;) (,) (TAB) and (|). It handles CSV files produced by spread sheet or database, handmade compliant files may be processed as well. On the TAB Header / Table Props are options to manipulate fonts and colors; these are gathered in an embedded style sheet. There are 6 dot commands which you can use at the beginning of a row (in your CSV/text file): .! (comment), .H (header), .h (sub header), .e (empty row) .c (comment row in your table) and .v (column coloring). Features are: colors evens and odd rows, every property for header and data rows can be enabled or disabled, table caption, option to run browser automaticly after saving file, save your properties in a scheme file, creating links and e-mail addresses, column coloring, get, set relations between the user files and running from the command line. Run setup.exe to install T2T. Sam Francke.