The PassGen.Application object


Heres how to create and use the PassGen.Application object using VBScript:

Set Obj = CreateObject( "PassGen.Application" )  Obj.Show



Name Type Description
AllowUI Boolean (Reserved) Not yet implemented. Reserved for future use.
ProcID Long (Read-only) Process ID of Password Generator.
MemoryName String Name of a block of shared memory used to store the generated password.
PassLength Integer Length of the password to generate.
Seed Integer Seed used to generate passwords.
NonPrintableChars Boolean Specify whether to allow non-printable characters in the generated password.
SymbolChars Boolean Specify whether to allow sysbol characters in the generated password.
Visible Boolean Visibility of the Password Generator main window.



Name Description
Generate Generate a new password.
Copy Copy the generated password to the clipboard.
Save Save the generated password to a specified file.
Show Show the Password Generator's main window.
Terminate Closes Password Generator.