
Conversion modes: convert source code to: Hex & Ascii, Ascii only, Hex only, Binary, Octal, Decimal.
Lettering mode: applicable to Hex & Ascii or Ascii only modes.

Standard set: uses only the standard 128-character set
Graphic: uses all available graphic characters.
Byte order: specifies the number calculation method. May be Intel or Motorola. Intel reverses bytes so 0001 is translated as 0100 and is 256 decimal. Motorola system doesn't reverse bytes and 0001=1 decimal.
Tuning: applicable to Hex & Ascii only mode.
Normal: represents Ascii keycodes using default values
Single parameter: uses a single parameter to decrypt the source code. You must specify the single parameter through the Optimization… dialog box.
Complex algorithm: uses an algorithm specified by you in order to decrypt the source code. You have to load an algorithm before this, through the Optimization… dialog box.
Addresses: the address column is the first on every monitor. The numbering may be either:
Default: uses the default monitor's numbering (ie octal numbering for octal monitor)
Decimal: uses decimal numbering for the addresses.
Lines: counts the lines (depends on monitor's width, not absolute numbering).
Octal: uses octal numbering for the addresses.
Appearance|Outlook: controls Hackman’s behavior at start-up.
Appearance|Warnings: enables or disables warning messages during file processing.
Appearance|Advanced: selects read-only editor and monitor appearance.
Appearance|Language: change language pack and character set. Normal value for character set is 0. Do not alter this value if you can see all characters.
Appearance|Fonts: change Hackman's font (name and size). This setting will be applied to all main windows (kernel) plus core components.
Monitors: controls the output monitors by defining the number of columns per page and the amount of possible blank space between successive columns.
Disassembler: several parameters regarding the disassembler core application.
Optimization: use this dialog box to specify the single parameter or import an algorithm.
Printer: it’s the control panel for all printings within Hackman.
Configure calculator: configures the hex calculator which can be found in the Tools menu.
Configure plugins: If this menu appears, it leads to plugins' configuration panels. Refer to plugins' developers for more information.
