New file: creates a new file 256 bytes by default. Use change
file size to take control over the file's size.
Change file size: use this command to change the file size of
the selected file.
Open file: opens a file to the editor. Any previous files opened
to the editor will be moved to the background and you must use the active
monitor's Files tab to restore them.
Change offset: you may declare the start point of the main source
of a file. This option ensures that you are able to skip headers or other
garbage info.
Close: closes current file and removes its entry from Files
tab (active monitor).
Save as...: use this command to save your file with another
name. The logged file will not be changed.
Backup: creates a quick backup of the file (*.bck extension).
Export selection: saves a selected portion to an external file.
To select a portion, double click the hex part of the code (start point)
and again double click it to define the ending point.
Anatomy: gives you general information about the selected file
(attributes, length, location) and some code information (type, offset).
Properties: allows you to change file’s properties. Setting
the file as Read-Only does not allow you to save changes.
Print: enables you to print out (can be a portion
of) the logged file.
Print preview: previews what it'll be printed.
Print to file: the same operation with Print command but instead
of using a printer device, it uses a file.
Print as text: sends the file to the preview engine as plain text.
Exit: exits the program without saving changes or prompting
you to save them.