Algorithm Editor v2.1 Help
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Zortran,
California, USA, DEV Team.
Welcome to Algorithm Editor v2.2 Online
Help. Here, you'll find a brief explanation of all available commands that
exist in the editor plug-in application.
To directly edit code column (no 2), just press
any key on the desired cell to activate the editor. Pressing ESC while
the editor is active will cancel any changes. To entirely delete a cell
press BackSpace key. Editable columns are col no 2 (character) and no 3
(ascii code). You can edit either columns to achieve a change.
New: Creates an empty matrix for a new algorithm.
Open: Opens an existing algorithm in a matrix.
Close: Closes the algorithm which is currently in edit mode.
Save: Saves the matrix as algorithm.
Save As...: Saves the matrix as algorithm but lets you specify a
new filename.
Exit: Quits plug-in.
Information: displays editable information on the algorithm.
Board: shows the editing board for the loaded algorithm.
Preview: previews how the algorithm will behave.
Insert capital letters: inserts all capital letters A-Z (ascii 65-90)
overwriting existing info.
Insert lower letters: inserts all lowercase letters a-z (ascii 97-122)
overwriting existing info.
Insert numbers: inserts numbers 0-9 (ascii 48-57) overwriting existing
Uppercase: converts all lowercase letters to uppercase.
Lowercase: converts all uppercase letters to lowercase.
Delete Graphic Characters: allows only letters, numbers and some
symbols in the algorithm pattern.
Tile Horizontally: arranges all windows horizontally.
Tile Vertically: arranges all windows vertically.
Cascade: windows cascade action for child windows.
Arrange Icons: windows arange icons action for child windows.
Windows: make active one of the child windows.
Contents: calls this help file.
About...: info box regarding this plug-in.
This version of Algorithm Editor fully complies
with Hackman v4.0/5.0.
For more information or technical support (from
me only!), please send me email through Hackman's Web
Page (to Zortran).