Call Command

This instruction calls another procedure and upon it's completion, will return to calling address. For example, consider the following block of code:

 xxxx:1002 E8BB46 CALL 56C0
 xxxx:1005 7209   JB 1010
 xxxx:1007 0C00   OR AL,00

The first line calls another procedure at "line number" 56C0h. Upon its completion, the instruction pointer will point to the second line. Note that there is a "JB” instruction. Programs often use the carry flag to signal errors. If the call instruction called a check procedure instruction to see if you have entered a wrong code or something, it may return with the carry flag set. The next instruction would then jump if there was an error to an exiting procedure. Note, this is a near call. A program can also have far calls just like jumps.
