
In this book, you’ll find all the information you need to build your own algorithms. An algorithm is used from Hackman to decode or filter the source code. Examples may be found in the \plugins folder.

An algorithm file is an ASCII file with the .alg extension. The first four records are the following:

To import an algorithm select Configurations | Optimizations | Import and to see it just select Complex algorithm from the tuning submenu under the Configurations menu. Next, you have to supply 256 records indicating the ASCII code that should be reported for each of the 0 to 255 different ASCII symbols. Next, all other records are considered to be comments.

You can read this example of the XOR algorithm or the Numbers Only algorithm (by Zortran).

NOTE: There is an add-in tool for Hackman, called Algorithm Editor and is available for all developers as always for FREE. Check it out in our web site (plugin’s center).