Saving Bitmaps

The Windows Bitmap file format (using the .bmp file extension) is the standard file format native to Microsoft Windows; it is a proprietary file format and is not portable beyond Windows and OS/2. Bitmap files can contain either 2 (monochrome), 16, 256, 65.5 thousand, or 16.7 million colors. Most Windows Bitmap files are not compressed, so file sizes may be very large.

To save a Bitmap:

  1. Capture the image that you want to save as a bitmap using Screen Rip32.

  2. Choose File > Save As > Bitmap (*.bmp).

The Save As dialog box appears.

  1. Using the Save In scroll list, choose the folder where you would like to save the file.

  2. Click the File name field and enter a filename for the image.

  3. Click Save.

The Bitmap file is saved.