Changes in the versions: 2.3a - Minor changes, about 5% speed-up. Documentation is improved. 2.3 - Pentium II optimized (2 times faster), CPU type identification, -5, -6 options added. PCL updated, including printing password in hex and "not defined .c(1)" bug fixed (thanks to Jan Polonsky). -v option improved. 2.2 - stored files support added. Linux (ELF) executable file added - maybe 5-10% faster. 2.1a - "5th line" bug in PCL 2.0 fixed. Only password definitions greather than 4 lines have been affected. Thanks to Dmitry Lisiy. 2.1 - PCL v. 2.0 added. Thus, appeared: support of different languages and encodings, charset definition, new modifiers and their parameters, timing and benchmarking functions, maximal password length is now 255. 2.0 - Password indication added (about 1 of 200000). Multimedia compressed files (-mm) bug fixed. 1.99 - RAR 2.0 support is finally included. Older RAR versions are not supported. 1.5a - Library Password Cracking Library (PCL) v. 1.1 added, al- lowing multifunctional dictionary attacks, brute force attack with known symbols, recovery of the incorrectly typed password and much more. An error, in connection with small (less than 10 bytes) files, is corrected. Documentation is complemented and corrected. 1.02 - Error, causing the result faulty in 0.5 % of the cases, is corrected. The speed is increased by 5 %. 1.01 - Insignificant error in an initial code UNRAR 1.01 (see what's new in RAR 2.0) is corrected 1.00: - First version released.