Demo Versions

Instructions to installation: Pokyny k instalaci: 
1. Click on triped program name, which you want install.Klikn∞te na podtr₧en² nßzev programu, kter² chcete nainstalovat.
2.Select options "run this program from actual site". Zvolte volbu "Spustit tento program z aktußlnφho umφst∞nφ".
3.On question "would you install and run..." reply "yes". Na otßzku "Chcete nainstalovat a spustit..." odpov∞zte "Ano".
4.All next options only confirm with key ENTER. VÜechny dalÜφ volby jen potvrzujte klßvesou Enter.
Installation will finalized with creating starting icon of demo version.Instalace bude ukonΦena vytvo°enφm spouÜt∞cφ ikony demonstraΦnφ verze.
Demo of PC Translator V2001 (GB, D):

English (2,1 MB)

German (2,2 MB)

... contains only minimal vocabulary. Therefore is range of vocabulary satisfacting only translation of exemplary text. Work with particular language version is quite coincident. DEMO serves primarily for show a show the program and work at translation and with it cannnot be translated your own texts. ...obsahuje jen velmi malou slovnφ zßsobu. Proto je rozsah slovnφ zßsoby dostateΦn² pouze pro p°eklad vzorovΘho textu. Prßce s jednotliv²mi jazykov²mi verzemi je zcela shodnß. Demoverze slou₧φ zejmΘna pro ukßzku prost°edφ programu a prßce p°i p°ekladu a nelze s nφ p°eklßdat vlastnφ texty.
Demo version do not contain these component of full version: DemonstraΦnφ verze neobsahuje tyto souΦßsti ostrΘ verze:
Exemplary file for translation you open in menu through the Soubor (File), choice item ANGLICKY.TXT (English) / NEMECKY.TXT (German). A part of demo version they are complete files help in Czech, which contains description of work with program. Vzorov² soubor pro p°eklad otev°ete pomocφ menu Soubor, v²b∞rem polo₧ky ANGLICKY.TXT/NEMECKY.TXT. SouΦßstφ demonstraΦnφ verze jsou kompletnφ soubory nßpov∞dy, kterΘ obsahujφ popis prßce s programem.
1.Talking and written pronunciation and spelling. Mluvenou a psanou v²slovnost.
2.Examples of using. P°φklady pou₧itφ.
3.Manager of vocabulary. Mana₧er slovnφ zßsoby.
4.Translator of the WWW-pages. P°ekladaΦ www-strßnek.

Demo of
Language Teacher V9.0:

English (5,3 MB)

German (5,9 MB)

DEMO allows work only with the first lesson of each program. DEMO version includes complete help files, which contain description of work with program. Demoverze umo₧≥uje pracovat jen s prvnφ lekcφ z ka₧dΘho programu. SouΦßstφ demonstraΦnφ verze jsou kompletnφ soubory nßpov∞dy, kterΘ obsahujφ popis prßce s programem.
Demo version do not contain these component of full version: DemonstraΦnφ verze neobsahuje tyto souΦßsti ostrΘ verze:
1.Sound track. Zvukov² zßznam.
2.Talking Pictures - pictorial tutorial for the childern. Talking Pictures - obrßzkovou v²uku pro nejmenÜφ.