61150 Invalid floating point operation 61151 Invalid floating point operation 61152 Invalid floating point operation 61153 Divide by zero 61154 Invalid condition (no cramp) 61155 Syntax error 61157 To add command buttons, drag and drop buttons onto the SpeedBar. To remove command buttons, drag them off of the SpeedBar. 61158 &Categories: 61159 &Available buttons: 61160 Customize Speedbar 61161 Clipboard is empty 61162 Cannot display. Data in Clipboard is in an unknown format. 61163 &Destination 61164 &Source 65104 Why not send this mail to someone else interested in graphics software? 65105 http://www.graphics-tools.com/tour/tour.html 65106 http://www.graphics-tools.com/index.html 65107 Picmaster Version 2.21 65108 Copyright © 1999-2001 Alexander Sabov World Wide Web: Germany: http://www.grafik-software.de International: http://www.graphics-tools.com 65109 Enter Secret Text 65110 Enter secret message, maximum of %d letters. 65111 No data found. Please be advised that you can not save the image in a quality loss format like e.g. JPG, since it changes the color informations for compression. Use the BMP or PCX Format for example instead. 65112 Save Data as 65113 Select secret file, maximum size is %d bytes. 65114 Error, data is too big. 65120 Please enter a name for the record 65121 This function saves the image as "Picmaster.bmp" in the windows directory, sets it as background and closes it. Do you want to continue? 65122 Can not load file %s. 65123 You have to save your image first, before you can record a comment. 65124 %s already exists. Do you still want to record a new sound comment? 65125 Press OK to start recording 65126 You have to save your image first, before you can record a comment. 65127 A comment for this file doesn´t exists. 65128 Are you sure that you want to delete the comment? 65129 %s already exists. Do you still want to import the comment? 65130 All following Steps will be recorded until you press "Stop Recording." in File/Batch Press OK to start recording 65131 Save catalog as 65132 A video window is already open, please close first 65133 Import Wav-File 65134 The Plugin has been copied into the Directory \Plugins of Picmaster and will be shown by the next start of Picmaster. You can copy the files by yourself into the folder. Warning: If Picmaster should crash after when it starts, remove the new plugin from the folder. 65135 This recommendation has been generated with the graphics program Picmaster. \n 65136 None 65137 The serial number is invalid. 65138 Registered to %s - %s 65139 The Beta-Serialnumber is too old. 65140 Registration date is: %s.%s.%s 65141 Dear Mrs./Mr. %s, 65142 Sorry, the key is too old. It only woks for versions %d.x, this is version %s For this code also use a version %d.x (or smaller) of Picmaster. To use this version you have to order an Update of Picmaster. As a registered User you will get the update for a lower price. 65143 Do you want to save your changes of %s?. 65144 Save as 65145 !noname 65146 The image has %d different colors. 65147 You first have to define the copy point with the right mouse button 65148 Open 65149 Set text comment 65150 Add File 65151 Stopped recording 65152 Green 65153 Blue 65154 Hue 65155 Saturation 65156 Value 65157 Luminosity 65158 Yellow 65159 Black 65160 Luminosity 65161 Green to Red 65162 Blue to Yellow 65163 Differenz blue 65164 Differenz Red 65165 Grey 65166 inch x 65167 To register simply click with the mouse on the "Register" Button or press the "R"-key. 65168 Maximum 65169 Minimum 65170 Open 65171 Close 65172 Could not load 65173 New Filename 65174 The glasses have been loaded into Picmaster ready to print. Please read the "Help For Printing" to see how you have to print out the glasses. 65175 Do you want to save your changes for %s? 65176 Noname 65177 Are you sure that you want to delete the record-file? 65178 Unregistered Version 65179 Cells 65180 Overview 65181 Datails 65182 Ascending 65183 Red 65184 Combine Channels 65185 Average 65186 Value 65187 Contrast 65188 Hue 65189 Saturation 65190 Color modell 65191 Wave 65192 User Filter 65193 Set Angle 65194 Rotate -90° (Clockwise) 65195 Rotate 90° 65196 Gamma 65197 Gamma Correction 65198 Cycles 65199 Morphing 65200 Rotate / Flip 65201 Reduce Colors 65202 Num Colors 65203 Threshold 65204 Rotate 180° 65205 Flip Vertical 65206 Flip Horizontal 65207 2 Colors (1 Bit/Pixel) 65208 16 Colors (4 Bit/Pixel) 65209 256 Colors (8 Bit/Pixel) 65210 Set Number Of Colors 65211 Convert To Grayscale 65212 Black White 65213 Brightness / Contrast 65214 Hue / Saturation 65215 Invert (Negative) 65216 Memory Cache deleted. 65217 Picmaster can register the image types with the windows explorer. If you then double click on the image file in the explorer, Picmaster will load the image for you. Do you want to continue? 65218 No Parameters 65219 Color Channels 65220 Centered 65221 Lens width 65222 Lens height 65223 Full 65224 Refraction 65225 Lens 65226 Wavelength 65227 Reflective 65228 Light width 65229 Light height 65230 Amount of Light 65231 Light Color 65232 Comment is playing 65233 Play comment 65234 was successful 65235 failed 65236 Connection 65237 Password 65238 Directory change 65239 POP3-Password 65240 Webcam Snapshot with Picmaster 65241 File %s exists. Overwrite? 65242 Video is not on! 65243 File not found 65244 This snapshot has been automatically send with Picmaster, the Picture Multi Talent. For more info visit http://www.graphics-tools.com 65245 Wait %d seconds 65246 This function deletes all cache files (File ending: .cache) from the folder %s Do you want to continue? 65247 Disk cache deleted. 65248 All 65249 OLE-Error %.8x 65250 This method '%s' is not supported from the automation object. 65251 Variant doesn´t referenz an automation object 65252 Cannot set this property value while Position is bpAuto 65253 The size of a JPEG-FILE can not be changed 65254 JPEG-Error #%d 65255 JPEG-Graphic-File 65256 Record comment 65257 \n \nTo avoid this, $DEFINE the NO_DESIGNHOOK conditional compilation symbol and rebuild. 65258 No files selected 65259 seconds 65260 Importing comment. Please wait ... 65261 Comment imported 65262 Record is running !!! 65263 Record Comment 65264 Folder 65265 File Date 65266 File Size 65267 File Type 65268 Image Width 65269 Image Height 65270 Number Of Pixels 65271 Text Comment 65272 Resolution 65273 Orientation 65274 None 65275 File+Number 65276 Randomly 65277 Select &All 65278 Select &None 65279 All Files 65280 - Could not find docking zone. 65281 - Docking zone has no control element 65282 List does not allow double entries ($0%x) 65283 Register-element could not be deleted. 65284 Registerpage with Index %d could not be deleted 65285 Registerpage with Index %d could not be read 65286 Object with Index %d could not be read 65287 Registerpage '%s' with Index %d could not be set 65288 Object with Index %d could not be set 65289 For TabPosition tpLeft and tpRight MultiLine must be True 65290 Invalid Index 65291 Entry can not be inserted 65292 Invalid Owner 65293 %s is already linked with %s 65294 %d is an invalid value for PageIndex. PageIndex must be a Value between 0 and %d 65295 File Name 65296 Text exceeds memo capacity 65297 There is no standard printer selected 65298 can not write to %s 65299 Bits-Index out of valid range 65300 Invalid Filetype for '%s' 65301 Generation of Key %s failed 65302 Could not set Data for '%s' 65303 Could not get Data for '%s' 65304 Menu '%s' is already been used by another form 65305 Graphic: 65306 (%dx%d) 65307 Preview 65308 No MCI-Device opened. 65309 Unknown Error code 65310 Docked control element must have a name 65311 Error when removing control element from docking-hirachy 65312 Value must be between %d and %d 65313 Invalid Filename - %s 65314 All 65315 Line can not be inserted 65316 The directory does not exist. Should it be created? 65317 Choose directory 65318 The directory can not be created 65319 Directory name: 65320 Drives: 65321 Directories: 65322 &Files: (*.*) 65323 Ne&twork... 65324 Invalid Format of clipboard 65325 Clipboard does not support Symbols 65326 Clipboard can not be opened 65327 Default 65328 Enter 65329 Space 65330 PageUp 65331 PageDown 65332 End 65333 Pos1 65334 Left 65335 Up 65336 Right 65337 Bottom 65338 Ins 65339 Del 65340 Shift+ 65341 Ctrl+ 65342 Alt+ 65343 Empty) 65344 Information 65345 Confirm 65346 &Yes 65347 &No 65348 Ok 65349 Cancel 65350 Help 65351 Cancel 65352 &Repeat 65353 &Ignore 65354 &All 65355 &All no 65356 A&ll yes 65357 Back 65358 Tab 65359 Esc 65360 &All 65361 Forms can not be dragged 65362 Metafiles 65363 Extended Metafiles 65364 Symbols 65365 Bitmaps 65366 Grid too big for operation 65367 Deleted too many rows or columns 65368 Gridindex out of range 65369 Number of fixed columns must be smaller than number of columns 65370 Number of fixed rows must be smaller than number of rows 65371 Unvalid Value of property 65372 Invalid entry 65373 Invalid entry. Use the ESC-Key to undo the changes. 65374 Warning 65375 Error 65376 The printer is not printing 65377 The printer is running 65378 Selected printer is invalid 65379 %s to %s 65380 groupindex can not be smaller than groupindex of a previous menu element 65381 form can not be created. There are no mdi-forms active 65382 A Control element can not have itself as Owner 65383 Ok 65384 Cancel 65385 &Yes 65386 &No 65387 Help 65388 &Close 65389 &Ignore 65390 &Repeat 65391 Cancel 65392 Image can not be replaced 65393 Invalid Imagelist-Index 65394 The ImageList-Data cou ld not be read out of the stream 65395 The ImageList-Data cou ld not be written into the stream 65396 Error by creating window device context 65397 Error by creating a window class 65398 A deactivated or invisible window can not get the focus 65399 Element '%s' has no owner window 65400 A MDI-Childwindow can not be hidden 65401 Property Visible can not be changed in OnShow or OnHide 65402 Can not make a modal window from a visible window. 65403 Property %s out of range 65404 Menuindex out of range 65405 Menu inserted twice. 65406 Submenu is not in the menu 65407 Not enough timers available 65408 Property does not exist 65409 Property can only be read 65410 Erroy while reading %s%s%s: %s 65411 ancestor for '%s' not found 65412 Bitmap is invalid 65413 Invalid Symbol 65414 Metafile is invalid 65415 Invalid pixelformat 65416 Range exception at row index 65417 The size of a symbol can not be changed. 65418 Unknown Image file extension (.%s) 65419 Format of clipboard is not supported 65420 System ressource are empty. 65421 Canvas/Image doen not allow drawing 65422 Invalid Image size. 65423 Invalid Image list 65424 Can not write into Resource Stream opened for reading 65425 Class %s not found 65426 Invalid Stram Format 65427 Could not find resource %s 65428 The index of the list exceeds the maximum 65429 The Capacity of the list is exceeded (%d) 65430 Too many entires in the list (%d) 65431 Operation not allowed for sorted string lists 65432 Duplicates not allowed in string lists 65433 The position of the registers is not compatible with current view 65434 The look of the registers is not compatible with the current position 65435 A component with the Name %s already exists 65436 ''%s'' is not a valid component name 65437 A class with name %s already exists 65438 Unvalid Value of property 65439 Invalid path of property 65440 Thr 65441 Fri 65442 Sat 65443 Sunday 65444 Monday 65445 Tuesday 65446 Wednesday 65447 Thursday 65448 Friday 65449 Saturday 65450 %s can not be assigned to %s 65451 File %s can not be created 65452 File %s can not be opened 65453 Stream-reading-error 65454 Stream-Writing-Error 65455 Expanding of Memory-Stream not possible because memory full 65456 January 65457 February 65458 March 65459 April 65460 May 65461 June 65462 July 65463 August 65464 September 65465 October 65466 November 65467 Dezember 65468 Sun 65469 Mon 65470 Tue 65471 Wed 65472 Abstract error 65473 Access violation at address %p in Modul '%s'. %s of address %p 65474 Win32-Error. Code: %d.\n%s 65475 A Win32-API-function failed 65476 Jan 65477 Feb 65478 Mar 65479 Apr 65480 May 65481 Jun 65482 Jul 65483 Auf 65484 Sep 65485 Okt 65486 Nov 65487 Dez 65488 Format '%s' invalid or not compatible with argument 65489 No argument for format '%s' 65490 Invalid variant-typechange 65491 Invalid variant-operation 65492 Variant-methodcall not supported 65493 Read 65494 Write 65495 Format-String too long 65496 Error while creating variant-Array 65497 Variant is not an array 65498 Index of variant-Array out of range 65499 External exception %x 65500 Evaluation of assert failed 65501 Interface 65502 Exception in safcall-method 65503 %s (%s, Row %d) 65504 Division by zero 65505 Error at range check 65506 Integer overflow 65507 Invalid floating point operation 65508 floating point division by zero 65509 floating point overflow 65510 floating point underflow 65511 Invalid pointer operation 65512 Invalid Type conversion 65513 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p 65514 Stack overflow 65515 Crtl+C pressed 65516 Privileged order 65517 Operation aborted 65518 Exception %s in Modul %s at %p.\n%s%s 65519 Error 65520 '%s' is not a valid Integer value 65521 '%s' is not a valid floating point value 65522 '%s' is not a valid date value 65523 '%s' is not a valid time value 65524 '%s' is not a valid date and time value 65525 Invalid argument to encode the time 65526 Invalid argument to encode the date 65527 Not enough working memory 65528 E/A-Error %d 65529 File not found 65530 Invalid Filename 65531 Too many files opened 65532 Fileaccess denied 65533 Tried to read behind file end 65534 Not enough disk space 65535 Invalid numeric entry