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Server Side Includes

Reference Guide
Toolbar: SSI

SSI provides web site designers with fast and powerful document options, without adding to server overheads. A 'parser' is invoked by a web server which looks for SSI tags within HTML documents.

Almost no programming knowledge is required to execute scripts within a document, database connectivity and inclusion of other documents within an existing one.

Tag Useage
fsize Insert the current file size of the document being viewed.
flastmod Insert the date the current document was last updated on.
echo Inserts an HTTP server variable into the current document.
exec Executes a CGI script within the current document.
email Sending an e-mail upon form submission.
if Conditional statement used in documents which require conditions to be met.
break Forces the document to stop at a given point.
odbc Manipulation of queries and information within a database.
include Allows the insertion of another HTML document within the current one.
goto Links to a label within a document (see below)
label A target to jump to from a 'goto' tag.
config Configure options for SSI parameters.

Not all web servers support Server Side Includes, so ask your system administrator first. Usually, any document which uses SSI should have a .shtml file extension.

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