The preferences
grouped under the "Editor" option of the Preferences dialog box allow
you to customize the editor to suit your needs.
Auto Indent:
the cursor under the first non-empty character of the preceding non-empty line
when you press Enter.
Smart Tabs:
to the first non-whitespace character in the preceding line.
Backspace Unindents:
Aligns the insertion point to the previous indentation level (outdents it) when
you press Backspace, if the cursor is on the first nonblank character of a line.
Show Line Numbers:
Displays the line numbers for the file being edited in the "Gutter"
Group Undo:
your last editing command as well as any subsequent editing commands of the
same type.
Cursor Beyond
allows the cursor to be placed at a point after the last line of the file (EOF)
or beyond the last character of a line (EOL).
Display Special
Shows formatting characters like paragraph marks used in some word processors.
Double Click
Line: Double-clicking
on a line selects the entire line.
Find Text at
Cursor: When the Find command is executed, the text currently under or next
to the cursor is selected in the "Find" option.
Disable Dragging:
Disables the dragging of blocks of text within a file.
Highlight URLs:
automatically make links of http:// or www. or e-mail addresses that can be
clicked within a document to open the related program within Windows.
Word Wrap: Ensures
that text beyond the margin of a line automatically flows on to the next line
so that all the text displays on screen rather than disappearing off it.
Gutter: This
is a strip down the leftmost side of an editor, which provides line numbers
and bookmarks for the file being edited.
Tab Stops:
Set the character columns that the cursor will move to each time you press Tab.