Note: Working with projects is available to registered users only.
Antechinus allows you to compile and run Microsoft« sample applications found in the NGWSSDK folder.


In the Help menu there are 4 items pointing to .CHM files in the Microsoft« NGWSSDK documentation:

If the program cannot find help files, it will prompt you to locate them yourself. The first one (C# Reference) provides context-sensitive help when you press F1: Antechinus will open the .CHM file and search for the word under the cursor.

If you ever need to specify different .CHM files to be invoked from Antechinus, open the Settings.ini file in the Antechinus directory and modify the entries under [Help] section to point to new files:

CSharp=c:\Program Files\NGWSSDK\Docs\cpcs.chm
Debug=c:\Program Files\NGWSSDK\Docs\cpdebug.chm
Object=c:\Program Files\NGWSSDK\Docs\cpref.chm
Developer=c:\Program Files\NGWSSDK\Docs\sdkstart.chm


Hitting F12 brings out the Doc menu, allowing you to specify tags used to document your code. The C# compiler uses them to generate the .XML documentation file from your .CS source code files. To use this feature, you must specify the /doc:FileName.xml directive in the Project Options.
Information about using the specific tags is available in the NGWSSDK documentation.
