The first program to compile is the traditional "Hello, World!". It is a console application that displays the "Hello, World!" message.

The compiler creates HelloWorld.exe and the Build pane reports on the compilation. Once the application has been generated, the Run button becomes enabled.

You just compiled and run your first C# program! But what happened? HelloWorld.exe is a console application, so it displayed the "Hello, World!" message for a fleeting moment and shut down, without giving you the time to examine the output. You can circumvent this by opening a DOS window and running the program from the command line, but Antechinus has a nice learning feature that allows you to run the program through a console.

The program runs again and closes down, but the "Hello, World!" message is captured in the Editor's Output pane.
Note: To use Run through Console your program can only have text output. Pausing to solicit input from users would cause the editor to freeze, and you would have to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to close it down. For such programs use Run instead.
