Table of Contents

Images of total eclipse taken with MTO 1000a 10.5/1084mm Maksutov - Cassegrain telescope on August 11, 1999 during Németkér expedition (chronological order)

Images of total eclipse taken with Sonnar 2.8/200mm lens on August 11, 1999 during Németkér expedition

Wide-angle images of total eclipse taken on August 11, 1999 during Németkér expedition

Animation of solar eclipse made of all images taken with MTO 1000a and Sonnar lenses

Information about planning, course and equipment of Németkér expedition

Meteosat images of total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999

Information about Sun

Information about solar and lunar eclipses

Maps of totality path for total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999

Solar wind and zodiacal light (comets, auroras)

Supplementary images showing beauty of nature