VisualAge(R) for Java(TM), Entry Professional Edition for Windows (R), Version 3.5 README


VisualAge for Java,Entry Professional Edition Limitations

  1. Entry Professional is class limited to 750 classes.
  2. The distributed debugger is not shipped with the Entry Professional Edition.
  3. The Entry Editions is the English version of VisualAge for Java.
  4. There is no automatic migration with the Entry versions please see the Installation/Migration guide for manual migration steps.
  5. You must uninstall the Entry version prior to installing either VisualAge for Java 3.5 Enterprise Edition or Professional Edition.
  6. The documentation is the Professional Edition documentation as such there may be content which does not reflect the limitations of the Entry Professional Edition.

NOTE: The following installation instructions for VisualAge for Java 3.5 Entry Professional Edition replace the installation instructions in the Installation/Migration guide.

General Information

For information about migration issues for VisualAge for Java please refer to the Installation and Migration guide (instmigr.htm), which can be found in the root directory of the CD, or in your temporary directory (where you extracted your parts to) if you have a downloaded an electronic version of VisualAge for Java.

This file does not include detailed information about the specific components and features of VisualAge for Java, Enterprise Edition. For that information, you should refer to the product Release Notes which you can access by selecting Start > Programs > VisualAge for Java > Release Notes. For all languages other than English, the release notes can be found on the Web at

The Documentation Release Notes contain a list of critical changes to the online information that were not translated.

Some of the online help has been grouped into PDF documents. For information on what each PDF file contains, see the PDF Index (in the Getting Started guide). Not all PDFs are available in all languages. The PDF files are available from the pdf directory. This can be found on the product CD or your temporary directory (where you extracted your parts to) if you have downloaded an electronic version of VisualAge for Java. If you did not download the part containing the PDFs, you will not have this directory.

Table of Contents

0.0 Installation Instructions

1.0 Pervasive known problems and limitations
      1.1 Windows 2000 issues
      1.2 Windows 98 issues
      1.3 SUN BDK Examples and javax.infobus
      1.4 External Version Control tool
      1.5 IDE
      1.6 DBCS problems
      1.7 Cannot search for all online help Reference files
      1.8 Problems starting Distributed Debugger on Japanese Windows 98
      1.9 JDBC timing hole may allow garbage collector to close objects DB2 holds reference to
      1.10 Removing the Data Access Beans feature from the workspace causes the IDE to crash
2.0 CD contents


0.0 Installation Instructions


Important: The installation code for VisualAge for Java makes use of VB script. If you encounter an installation error message that refers to "DoCosting" or VB script runtime errors, then you do not have VB script support installed on your system. VB script support is included in Windows 98 and Windows 2000, but not in Windows NT 4.0. You can download Windows Script 5.5 from

This edition of VisualAge for Java, Version 3.5 has the following hardware and software prerequisites:

If you want to run the Websphere Application Server with DB2(R) and VisualAge for Java concurrently, then a minimum of 512 MB is recommended.


Important: We highly recommend you install Patch 2 for VisualAge for Java 3.5 after installing the Entry Professional Edition.

Installing VisualAge for Java, Version 3.5 Entry Professional Edition

Before you install the product, check the following things:

Installing VisualAge for Java, Version 3.5 from the product CD

  1. Insert the CD-ROM into your CD drive.
  2. If autorun is disabled on your system, run setup.exe from the root of the CD drive.
  3. Select Install Products. Select Install VisualAge for Java to begin the installation of VisualAge for Java.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Select Install Products. Select Install Patch 2 to begin the installation of Patch 2.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  7. Start the VisualAge for Java IDE.

Installing silently

To install VisualAge for Java, Version 3.5 silently, invoke the following command from the ivj35\setup directory:

setup /s /v/qn

VisualAge for Java will automatically be installed in the c:\Program Files\IBM\VisualAge for Java default directory.

To silently install to a different directory (for example, d:\IBMVJava35), invoke the following command from the ivj35\setup directory:

setup /s /v"INSTALLDIR=\"d:\IBMVJava35\" /qn"

where d:\IBMVJava35 is the directory you want to install to.

Installing from the electronic image of VisualAge for Java, Version 3.5

To reduce download time, the electronic image of VisualAge for Java, Entry Professional Edition for Windows, Version 3.5 is divided into parts.


There are five downloadable parts for the Integrated Development Environment. All five parts are self-extracting archives. You must install the first three; the rest are optional. Refer to the list below for details about what each archive contains.

Once you have downloaded the first three parts plus the optional files that you want, run each self-extracting archive and ensure that each one is extracted into the same temporary directory. Once all the files have been extracted, go to the temporary directory and run setup.exe. Follow the on-screen instructions and start the IDE.

The following is a description of each archive part:

VisualAge for Java - IBM Development Kit 1.2.2 contains the IBM Developer Kit 1.2.2, PTF 6b, for the Windows platform. This is a self-extracting archive. To install it, run this file, which will automatically launch the installation program after it has been extracted from the archive, and follow the instructions.

Installing additional components later

To install additional VisualAge for Java components any time after the initial installation, insert the CD-ROM into your CD drive, select to install VisualAge for Java, and select Modify in the Program Maintenance screen. If autorun is disabled on your system, you will have to run setup.exe from the root of the CD drive. If you have an electronic version of VisualAge for Java, you will also have to manually run setup.exe, and follow the same steps.

All the components will be listed in the Edit Features window, with an indication of their current installation states. A red 'X' indicates that a component is not currently installed. You can select to install these components. Do not select any components that are not marked with a red 'X'; they have already been installed. 

You cannot install a second instance of VisualAge for Java, Version 3.5.

Installation considerations for Windows 2000

This release of VisualAge for Java provides toleration support (as defined by Microsoft) for Windows 2000.

Beginning with this release, the default installation directory is <Program Files>\IBM\VisualAge for Java. For Windows 2000, by default, installation to <Program Files> can only be performed by Administrators and Standard (Power) users.  Regular (Restricted) users cannot write to this location.

Due to the current design of VisualAge for Java, if the product is installed to this location and is to be used by a Regular (Restricted) user, you must change the security settings for either the IBM or IBM\VisualAge for Java directory under <Program Files> to allow write access by regular users. Failure to do so may result in failures when attempting to start the IDE.

Installing the IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition, v1.2.2, PTF 6b 

To install the IBM Developer Kit, Java Technology Edition, v1.2.2, PTF 6b, run install.exe from the IBM Developer Kit directory. This directory is located on the product CD or in your temporary directory (where you extracted your parts to) if you have an electronic version of VisualAge for Java.  For detailed information about the IBM Developer Kit, refer to the readme.txt file in the IBM Developer Kit directory. 


1.0 Pervasive known problems and limitations

This section covers problems and limitations that will affect most users. Refer to the Installation and Migration guide for information about installation and uninstallation problems, and to the Release Notes for component-specific limitations and known problems.

1.1 Windows 2000 issues

On Windows(R) 2000 you may occasionally experience painting problems with Java-based GUIs. To fix this problem, minimize the affected application and restore it.

1.2 Windows 98 Issues

On Windows 98, you should edit your config.sys file to increase the environment space to 32000. Insert the following line:


where "X:" is your boot drive. Reboot before you install the product. You must reboot after you install the product as well as before you start the IDE.

On some editions of Windows 98, there is a limitation on the numbers of characters in a shortcut. The Start menu shortcut that launches the IDE by default is C:\Program Files\IBM\VisualAge for Java\IDE\program\ivjenv.bat. If this shortcut has been truncated on your system you can alter the properties of the shortcut to use the 8 dot 3 file name format (for example, C:\Progra~1\IBM\Visua~1\IDE\program\ivjenv.bat).

1.3 SUN BDK Examples and javax.infobus

You cannot load these two features into the IDE at the same time because the SUN(TM)  BDK Examples contains a javax.infobus package. If you have one of these features in the workspace, you must remove it before adding the other.

1.4 External Version Control tool

When you attempt to add a project to version control, your project resource files may not be listed in the Add to Version Control SmartGuide. If this occurs, your resource files will not be added to version control. You can manually add them in the Workbench Resources page. Select the resources you want to add and select Tools > External Version Control > Add.

 You must use Version 3.03 of VisualAge TeamConnection(TM) if you want to use the Team Connection handler. The latest version of TeamConnection available in Japanese is Version 3.01. You can either work with the English 3.03 (or later) version of TeamConnection or, if you prefer to use the Version 3.01 in Japanese, you must select to use the Microsoft SCCI handler when you are adding a project to version control.

1.5 IDE

In the Spacing pane of the Options dialog (select Windows > Options > Coding > Formatter > Spacing) do not scroll down in the sample code and then select any of the radio buttons. If you do this, the Options dialog will close.

1.6 DBCS problems

1.7 Cannot search for all online help reference files

Some of the online help Reference files were not indexed for search (that is, you cannot search for them), including javadoc files that match the following naming pattern: *_dsc.html. These files will not be listed on a search results page, but you can access them using the main navigation panel for the online help.

1.8 Problems starting Distributed Debugger on Japanese Windows 98

If you encounter problems starting the Distributed Debugger on the Japanese version of Windows 98, shut down the HTTPDL.EXE process, and start the Distributed Debugger again.

1.9 JDBC timing hole may allow garbage collector to close objects DB2 holds reference to

Some garbage collection may force the closure of DB2 objects VisualAge for Java internally hold reference to. This may result in a core dump. This condition occurs most frequently on fast machines where the application programmer relies on the GC for cleanup of JDBC objects.

The fixpaks can be downloaded from the following site:

You will have to select the appropriate language directory and platform/version of DB2.

The APAR number is JR14897.

1.10 Removing the Data Access Beans feature from the workspace causes the IDE to crash

If you add the Data Access Beans feature to the workspace, and later try to remove it, the IDE will crash. You may lose some data if you have not saved the workspace. We do not recommend you remove it after you have added it.

2.0 CD contents

The extras directory on the CD has the following content: The following items are only available in the full Professional version of VisualAge for Java 3.5, and have been excluded: Copyrights and Notices

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2000. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

IBM, AIX, AS/400, DB2, OS/390, OS/400, RS/6000, S/390, VisualAge and WebSphere are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notices.