Edit Users
In this section you can add, modify or delete users for
your site.
To add a new user fill the form. The required fields are
marked with * like Nickname, Email and Password.
The other fields, Name, Fake Email and URL are optional.
Plase note that Email field is required to the password
functions in case the user lost the password. The field
Fake Email is the email address the system will show in
the user info page (visible by any visitor). When you
finished to fill the info just click on Add User
button to add the new user.
To edit an existing user just type the user's Nickname
in the field User ID, select Modify User and
click OK. This will open another page with that user's
data, just change what you need and click on Update User
button. If you need to change the user's password, just type
twite the new password.
To delete an existing user type the user's Nickname
in the field User ID, select Delete User and
click OK.