Topics Manager
You need to have Topics to correct publish your stories, is a
fundamental part for this system. With Topics Manager you can
add, delete or modify your Topics.
Each Topic will have a text identifier, description text and
To add a new topic just fill the form in this page.
Topic Name: This is the identifier. Is used for some
PHP-Nuke internal processes. Write a name in lowercase without
spaces. If you want the identifier to a topic called Me and You,
for example, just write meandyou or something like that.
Topic Text: This is the text that will appear to the user and
in the Alternative Text (Alt) for each topic graphic. You can use up
and lowercase and spaces as well.
Topic Image: The image filename, not the complete path, just the
filename and the extension, for example: entertainment.gif The
system will look for the image under images directory in your
To edit an existing topic, just click on the image of the topic you
want to edit. After clicking the image you will see a new page where
you can change the Topic Name, Text and Image or just delete the current
topic. If you want to delete the topic remember that all the stories and
its comments will be deleted! In that page you can also add, edit or delete
the Related Links for each topic. The Related Links will be visible
to the user when he/she read the story page.