Be cool and change your Surveys frequently. To add a new Poll
you need just to fill the form in this page.
Poll Title: Title for your new Poll.
Options: The poll options, please fill at least 2
options, you don't need to fill all of them.
Delete Polls: To delete one or more existing Poll,
click on Delete Poll link. After that you will see another page
with the list of all your site's polls. Check the poll you want to delete
and click on Remove button. Remember: there aren't confirmation
when you delete a poll, just click and the selected poll will go to the
NOTE: Please double check your title and your options,
because you will not be able to edit the poll after you click
on Create button. This is because is not funny to let the
administrators manipulate the surveys like other systems do. Is
not fair and not ethic, so... be carefully when you type here.