Edit/Create RIGHT Blocks

PHP-Nuke, in the Home, can display Left and Right blocks with custom info. In this section you can customize the text and/or images you want to display in the RIGHT blocks. Right blocks will appear generaly at the right of the site pages, but this depends of the theme you use.

Change Block: To edit a block, just change whatever you want in the block you want to change. You can change/edit the block's title and content. After editing it you can save the new content by clicking on the OK button. Make sure to have selected the option Change Block at the left of the OK button. You can edit ONLY one block at time.

Delete Block: If you select this option and then click the OK button, that block will be deleted, and the next block will take the deleted block position in the page.

To Create a New Right Block just fill the form at the bottom of the page with the title and content for the new block, then click on the Make Block button. The new block will be the last one in the active blocks list.

NOTE: You can use whatever HTML code inside your blocks, but you can not use PHP code or SSI includes routines.