General Preferences
This is the most important area when you start or maintain
your PHP-Nuke site. In this section you can modify all the
relevant information for your site. One of the best features
of PHP-Nuke is that you can customize your site to fit your
Now, we try to help you with all these options.
Site Name: Your new site needs a name. Is supposed
that you already have your site name, or not?
General Site Info
Site URL: Type here your complete URL including the
http:// also.
Site Logo: This logo will be located in images
directory, and is used to be displayed "just" in the Printer
Friendly Page. The best option is a grayscale graphic with
the logo of your site. This logo has nothing to do with your
theme logo witch you need to include for each theme.
Site Slogan: If you have a slogan, just type it in the
form, The slogan will be displayed under your logo in all the
pages for your site. If you don't want a slogan just leave it
Site Start Date: You can write here the start date of
your web activities. You can write for example: July 1st, 2000
or July 2000 or whatever you want. This information will
be visible to the users only in the stats page (stats.php).
Administrator Email: Just write here your email address.
This is used when the system send emails to the users in order to
let them answer you if needed.
Number of Item in TOP Page: You have a TOP page (top.php)
where the visitors can view what are the top read articles, most
commented, the best poll, etc. If you select for example 10
you will have a TOP 10 page.
Stories Number in the Home: How many stories you want to
display in your Home page? A good number is 10, but you can select
this depending of your activity. Remember that registered users
can change this value to whatever they want. So, this is just a
default value for non-registered users.
Stories in Old Articles Box: At the right of your home page
you can see a box called Past Articles, right? This is the
number of stories to show in that box.
Activate Ultramode?: Ultramode is a plain text file located
at root dir of your site. By default this value is set to No,
if you change this be sure to chmod 666 the file in order to write it.
In this file will be the last 10 news headlines of your site with
assorted info, fields (or news) separated by %%. This file is used
to let other sites to put your news in their home. The best method is
to deactivate this feature and use backend.php file, witch is
RDF/XML format.
Allow Anonymous to Post?: If you want that anonymous (non-registered
users) can post comments, select Yes, otherwise select No.
Default Theme for your site: Select the default theme for your entire site.
Registered users has the hability to change the theme as well. This value is valid
only for non-registered users, or registered users who have not selected a theme.
Select Language for your site: No explanation is needed here, select the language
you want in your site.
Locale Time Format: Select the Locale format you want. Locales are little databases
with the date, time, and other stuff in our language. Some Unix/Linux system has the locales
already installed, if this is the case just select the one you want, otherwise install
the Locales you need. Usualy, the Locales are installed under /usr/share/locale
Activate Banners in your Site?: Just select if you want banners or no in your site.
PHP-Nuke has incorporated a basic banners system. If you active the banners, the reload the
Administration page you will see a new menu called Banner Administration where you
can configure whatever you want. If you want to use another banners software,
just select No.
You IP to not count the hits: If you select Yes to the above question, you
need to put your IP number to prevent the system to count your hits for the banner displayed.
If you are administrator you will have a high number of pages views in your own site, so if
a client pays you for impressions will not be fair to count you. Be honest here!
Footer Messages
Foot Lines 1, 2, 3 and 4: These are the text, or HTML commands that will be show
in each page at the foot. Just write what you want. Usualy here will be powered buttons,
copyright messages, webmaster email, etc. If you want only 2 or 3 lines instead of 4, just
leave blank from bottom to top.
Backend Title: Your site has now a auto-generated XML/RDF file with the lat 10 news.
This file is configured here, so just write your page Title or site name here. You can
put also your slogan after the title.
Backend Language: The format of your site's language.
Backend Image URL: The complete URL of the image/logo of your site. This is usefull if
you will have a MyNetscape Channel. Be sure to include the http:// at the begining.
Backend Image Width: The width of the Backend Image.
Backend Image Height: The height of the Backend Image.
Web Links
Links per Page: The maximum links to show on each page of Web Links section.
Hits to be Popular: The number of hits a link needs to have to be listed as popular.
Popular (Best) links will show a little graphic star and will be listed in The Best
Links page.
Number of Links as New: The number of link to show in the New Links page. In that
page the links will be sorted by creation date.
Number of Links as Best: How many links you want in The Best Links page. In Best Links
page will be the most Popular ones.
Links in Search Results: The number of links to show in the results page after a search has
been performed.
Mail New Stories
PHP-Nuke has the ability to send an email to the administrator each time a user submit a new news.
In this section you can configure the options for this email.
Notify new submissions by email?: Just select Yes or No if you want receive the
email notification.
Email to send the message: To what email you want to send the notification?
Email Subject: The subject of the email.
Email Message: Write here the message you want to receive in the email.
Email Account: The email account to show in the From field of the email.
Comments Moderation
Moderation doesn't work properly yet. So, you may want to leave this option as is.
Type of Moderation: Select if you want No moderation, Moderation by administrator or by
registered users.
Comments Options
Comments Limit in Bytes: Write the ammount of bytes a comment will have for maximum. If
the comment is bigger than this, the comment will show a link with the text Read the rest
of this comment... witch goes to a separate page for that comment.
Anonymous Default Name: Non registered users are Anonymous, and you need to assign a
name for those people. This will show in the name sender for the stories and in comments. So
you now can have Anonymous, Anonymous Cowards, Guests, Visitors, etc. users.
Voting Booth Options
Max Poll Options: Set the maximum number of options the Poll can have.
Scale of Result Bar: Set a number, multiple of 100. This will be base the percentage
to that number and change the width for the results bars. If you set 3 your poll will
be based on 300%... in the 99.9% of the cases you may want to leave this value to 1.
Allow users to vote twice?: If yes, the system will set a cookie with 24 hour duration
to prevent the user to vote twice in that period. Also the user will see a little message in
the poll result window informing of this option. If no, users can vote as many times as they
wants. This can affect the real serious results of the poll.
Some Graphics Stuff
In future version, Images Paths will be fixed, there isn't any reason to change these options.
Topics Images Path: The path in your server from where to read the topics images.
User Menu Images Path: The path in your server from where to read all the buttons, also
the buttons that are in the user page.
Admin Menu Images Path: The path in your server from where to read the images for admin
Graphics in Administration Menu?: If you want a graphic menu in the administration section
set this value to Yes, otherwise set to No.
Site Font: You can control the font of the entire site. This value will be used in the CSS
stylesheets for the body and tables.
Articles Number in Admin: Maximum articles ammount in the Admin section. Used to show some
lists of articles, sections, etc.
Minimum users password length: Minimum length in characters for the user's passwords.
Activate HTTP Referers?: You can know who link to your site with this feature. Just Active or
deactive it as you want.
How many rerefers you want as Maximum?: If the above option is was set to yes, you need to
delete automaticaly the database. Select the number of referers to have as maximum.
Activate Comments in Polls?: Select if you want or not comments in Polls.
Activate Ephemerids System?: Select yes/no to activate or deactivate Ephemerids system.
Activate Advanced Stats Page?: Administrators can view a most complete stats page. If you active
this option you will see another box called Server Info in the stats.php file.