ENUFF Registration Information (After reading this page, click on "X" to close window) If the Registration screen does not appear, you must re-install the program in order to see it. Following the 30-day evaluation period, you will need to register your copy by calling or visiting Akrontech's website www.akrontech.com. The registration fee is $29.95 (US) or $43 (CDN) (Canadian residents must add 7% GST. Ontario residents will be charged 8% PST in addition) IMPORTANT: If you have purchased the program (in a sealed box) from a retailer and you have already paid, you will not need to pay additional fees. However, you will still be required to register your software within 30 days. Payments and registrations can be processed through the Internet (www.akrontech.com), e-mail, fax, mail or over the telephone. Akrontech's contact information can be found at the bottom of this page as well as in the program's Help screen. Please have the following information available when you register your software. 1) Name and address 2) Credit card information (if applicable) 3) Your Reference # 4) Your PC ID# and 5) If you have already paid, the product ID number found in your original package (inside a sealed envelope) (Items 3 and 4 mentioned above, are found on the registration reminder screen which appears every time parents enter their password) Once your payment is processed, Akrontech will issue a serial number necessary to unlock your copy of the program and remove the time restriction. To contact Akrontech: Akrontech 7305 Woodbine Ave. Suite 620 Markham (Toronto), ON L3R 3V7 Canada Tel: 905-763-2535 Fax: 905-763-1350 E-mail: info@akrontech.com Web: www.akrontech.com