Version:  V4.6X


To obtain the latest version of ENUFF, visit www.akrontech.com and download a new 30-day evaluation copy.  If you are a registered user, your serial number will turn any 30-day trial copy, into a time unlimited version as long as it is on the same computer.


Feel free to give a copy of this program to a friend.


Important note: The terms “parent” and “child” are being used throughout this manual.    For the purposes of this program and user manual, a “parent” is a computer administrator and a “child” is a computer user.



Table of Contents: 

(Click on a menu line below, to quickly access that topic)

1)  Company information

2)  How to register your copy

3)  Program installation

4)  Setting up the program in three easy steps

a)   Enter Parent (Administrator) names and passwords

b)   Enter Children (User)  names and passwords

5)  Give children permissions

a)   Basic options

         Set basic day and time permissions

b)   Advanced options

         Force Disconnect     

Auto Sign Off user after 5 minutes

Save and Load

Program Restrictions

c)   Running Enuff on a Network

6)  Using the computer as a parent

          a)  Logging in and out

          b)  Accessing the configuration menu

           c)  Other options available to parents

                  User Status

                  Computer Usage Log report

                  Resetting a user’s time

7)  Using the computer as a child

          a)  Logging in and out

          b)  The “Special” child

c)  Other options available to users

8)  What if a child (user)...

         a)  Needs some extra time one day and the parents (administrators) are not present

         b)  Needs additional time on a given day and the administrators are present

         c)  Tries to change the time and date on the computer

         d)  Tries to delete the entire program

         e)  Needs to do a project with no time limits but you want him/her to only access certain programs

         f)  Needs the computer for 2 hours per day, but should only be allowed 30 minutes on the Internet

         g)  Forgets to Sign Off

         h)  wishes to stay on the computer/Internet past midnight (see section 5 a) for Time Block details)

9)  Uninstalling the program

10) Technical support

11) Program Registration form




 1)  Company Information



7305 Woodbine Ave. 

Suite 620

Markham (Toronto), ON

L3R 3V7



Tel: 905-763-2535

Fax: 905-763-1350

E-mail: info@akrontech.com



www.akrontech.com  OR

www.SafeNetForKids.com  OR


2) How to register your copy


Depending on how you have acquired your 30 day trial version of ENUFF, along with your name, address etc., (see bottom of these instructions for the registration form), you will need to have 2-3 pieces of information handy when you contact Akrontech to register your copy.


You will need the Reference Number and PC ID# (both appear every time parents use the computer).


If you have purchased a copy of ENUFF (in a box) from a store and you have already paid, apart from the items listed above, you will also need to provide the Product ID code found in a sealed envelope inside the package.


Registrations and payments can be sent to Akrontech by mail, fax, phone or over the Internet by visiting www.akrontech.com   Akrontech will process your registration/payment and issue you a serial number (unlock code) by email, which will change your trial copy to a time unlimited version.


The registration screen


When you register your copy of ENUFF, Akrontech will supply you with a computer specific Serial number (unlock code) which will turn your 30-day trial copy, into a time unlimited version.


When the program is in the 30-day trial mode, parents will notice a button on the registration reminder screen, called “Register Now”.  Clicking on Register Now, will open up a registration information screen.  After reading the details on that screen, click on the X to close it.  The registration screen will appear next.  Key in your serial number and name exactly as Akrontech provides it (after you pay).


At the end, click on “Register”.



3) Program installation


From a diskette


-  Place the ENUFF program diskette in drive A:

-  From the Start menu, select RUN

-  Type A: SETUP and press ENTER or click on OK

-  Follow the on-screen instructions


When the installation is complete, you will be required to set up the parent and children names and passwords. 


IMPORTANT: You must enter at least one parent name and password during installation.  The rest of the configurations can be done later.  Make sure the parent passwords are easy for you to remember and most important, NOTE IF YOU ARE TYPING PASSWORD LETTERS IN lower or UPPER CASE!.  Akrontech has no way of reading the parent passwords if you forget them.  If you forget the parent password(s), you will need to remove and re-install ENUFF.  You may contact Akrontech for assistance if you are not sure what to do in such case.


When downloaded from the Internet


When the program is downloaded over the Internet, there may be different installation instructions available.



4)    Setting up the program in three easy steps


·       Enter parent names and passwords (mandatory step)

·       Enter children’s (user’s) names and passwords

·       Fill in the children’s permission screen


a)    Enter Parent names and passwords


The program will provide space for 2 parent names and passwords.  It will also accommodate an unlimited number of users and their passwords.


In order to set names and passwords, you must enter the Configuration mode.  There are two ways a parent can enter the configuration mode:


1) during installation or

2) after the installation


In either case, the Configuration procedure is the same. 


1) During Installation, the process is automatic ie. parents will enter the Configuration mode anyway. 


2) After the installation and while a pad lock appears in the bottom right corner of your screen, point to the lock and Right-Click (not left-click) your mouse.  Choose Administrator, then select Configuration.  Enter your parent password and you will enter the Configuration mode.


After the installation, parents can also enter the configuration mode through the Start menu.  From the Program list, select Akrontech then "ENUFF Configuration Utility".


The Configuration Utility primarily consists of 3 screens:


- the parent’s name password screen

- the children's name and password screen and

- the children's permission screen


The Parent’s name and password screen


Entering Parent Names and Passwords:


- Click in the name field and type the first parent name

- Click on Set Password or simply press <Enter>

- Key in and re-enter each parent password



Note if you are typing passwords in lower or UPPER case letters.  Passwords must be entered every time EXACTLY as they were first stored. 




Repeat the above steps for second parent. 

Note: The second parent configuration is optional.


Parent password changes can be done at any time after installation by clicking on the Set Password button.


When this step is completed, click on "Next" (do not click on "Close" yet)


b)    Enter Children’s names and passwords


The Children’s names and passwords screen


The second screen will allow you to enter your children’s names and their passwords.  Click on "Add Child" to enter the first child name.  Following the name entry, enter and re-enter their password.  Click on “Add Child” again for child  2, 3 etc.  Notice that children's passwords can be visible to parents by clicking in the "Show Passwords" field.


To edit or delete children's details, you must select a child first by clicking over their name.  Then click on “Edit Password” or “Remove Child”. 


When all children have been entered, click on "Next".




5)  Giving children permissions


         a)  Basic Options


When in Configuration mode, the parent(s) or administrators will access the screen where they will give permission to the children in order for them to use the computer.


Important!  Enuff initially assumes that children have no time allowed to use the computer and it displays:


For the purpose of setting up ENUFF, please note that the first day of the week is Monday and the last day of the week is Sunday.


From [Mon] to [Sun]

Allow [0] Hours and [00] Minutes per day

Between 8:00 Am and 8:00 Am


You must therefore change these time settings in order for a child to be able to use the computer.   To do that, follow these steps:


Configuring Setting 1


·       Select child's name from the list

·       While in Setting 1, set From [day] To [day]. Use the drop down menus to select the right day

·       Set the number of hours you allow the child to use the computer per day

·       Select the time frame within which that child is to use up his/her time

·       Set the Internet permission to Yes or No for that child.  Note this Internet permission setting will affect this child’s ability to access the Internet for all 3 settings


Setting 1 in now complete.  Each child can have up to 3 daily or weekly settings, however these settings are optional.


A typical schedule for a week could be:


Setting 1 may cover [Mon] to [Fri] 

Setting 2 could be only for Saturday (From [Sat] to [Sat]) and

Setting 3 could be only for Sunday ([Sun] to [Sun]).


A typical schedule for multiple daily settings could be:


Setting 1 may cover [Mon] to [Sun]  (say 1 hour between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM)

Setting 2 also for [Mon] to [Sun] (say 1 hour and 30 min between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM)

Setting 3 for [Sat] to [Sun] (extra time over the weekend, 2 hrs between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM)



You may not overlap times between settings within a given day!  In other words, you could not have Setting 1 [Mon] to [Fri] with 2 hrs between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM, then Setting 2  [Mon] to [Fri] 1 hr between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM (in these two settings there is an overlap of time between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM).


Working with a Time Block per day


As of version 4.63 ENUFF allows parents to give their children a block of time every day, which could be used after a certain time of the day.  This feature is particularly useful when you want to allow children on the computer past 12:00 midnight with one setting.  Without this feature, any child must stop using the computer at 11:59 PM and restart after 12:00 midnight.  This however requires two settings to accomplish.


How to use the Time Block:


·       Select child's name from the list

·       While in Setting 1, 2 or 3 set From [day] To [day]. Use the drop down menus to select the right day

·       Set the number of hours you allow the child to use the computer per day

·       When it is time to select the time frame within which that child is to use up his/her time, scroll to the top of the list until you find the option “TIME BLOCK” and select it

·       The last item you will need to specify is the starting time for this time block.  The field to the right of the option TIME BLOCK controls the time that child will be able to start using his/her time


Please note!

A child using Time Block could Log Off (pause their time) any time between the “Start time” and midnight.  A child however MAY NOT pause their Time Block after midnight.  If a child signs off (or is automatically signed off) after midnight, he/she will loose the remainder of their time.  The reason for designing the program this way is to ensure that children go to bed at a reasonable time at night.  The typical problem solved with this feature is that when parents allowed 3 hours of computer or Internet time per day and the children would start using their time say at 11:00 PM.  By signing on and off, the users could of stayed on the computer all hours of the night until their time was used up.



Other options


If the Internet option is set to NO for a given child, that child will not be allowed to use the Internet at all.  In such case, ENUFF may produce the following message when the child tries to dial your Internet Service Provider through a modem:  "Error 630:The Computer is not receiving a response from the modem". 


Note that in such case, there is nothing wrong with the modem! ENUFF makes the modem invisible to the computer when a child is not suppose to use the Internet. 


Alternatively, if you are accessing the Internet via Cable or a DSL connection and the Internet option is set to NO, it will appear as if the computer is trying to connect to a website with the Browser but it can not find the website.  Enuff blocks all the information flow over the Internet and that means it will affect Email, Chat lines etc. 


Set the "Permission" to NO, if you do not wish a child to use the computer at all (temporarily), despite the times in the 3 settings.  That child will be able to use the computer again when this option is changed back to YES.


If at any point in time, a parent wishes to re-set any of the settings for a child or simply allow that child to have additional time (after the child has finished their scheduled time), click on "Reset this Setting" in order to allow that child to repeat the same amount of time he/she just used up. If you want to change the time settings, then just select the new times and Enuff will automatically reset the permission for that child right away.


When finished with the first child, select another child from the same screen (list of children at the top left) and repeat the same steps.


When finished configuring all children, click on "Close" to exit Configuration and lock the system or click on "Next" to see the registration information screen.



b)  Advanced options


In order to use the Advanced options, click on the button called “Advanced Options”.  Several new options will appear.  These options are:


Force Disconnect

(YES) à ENUFF will disconnect the modem connection when a child using the Internet, Logs Off (or is automatically logged off!).

(NO)  à  ENUFF will not disconnect the modem connection when a child using the Internet Logs Off.


Sign Off user after [ 5 ] minutes of system inactivity

If this option is checked (by default it is checked), then ENUFF will auto sign off any child user who has not used the mouse or pressed any keyboard key for [ 5 ] minutes.  Parents can change the number of minutes at any time or turn this feature off by removing the check mark from the “sign off” field.


Save and Load


Use these functions to save the Configuration settings in another location or to create a backup of your configuration on a floppy diskette.  It will be a good idea to create a backup, just in case you need to remove and re-install the program at some point.




Click on “Restrictions” to add programs to a list, in order for a child NOT to be able to use these programs.  To access this option, click on the “Restrictions” button found in the Configuration panel.


Warning! This option may require some advanced computer skills and a few users may find it somewhat difficult.  The Akrontech tech support team will be happy to provide you with additional help when you write to them with specific questions.  Remember though that this part is optional!


By default, there is no restriction on the type or number of programs children can use.  Initially, the program window (the list of prohibited programs), will be empty.  To access the new options, click on the “Click for options” button.  A menu will display providing you with four options:


Add  à Add a new program to the list.

Remove  à Remove a program from the list.

Remove All à Empty the entire list of restricted programs.

Set Advanced Text Color  à Customize the distinct color for the advanced options print.


When ready to add a program to the list, click on “Add”.  ENUFF will display your computer’s Program list.  Please scroll to the right in order to see the entire list.  You may need to double-click on a program group name, in order to see the individual program files.  In this case, you are trying to select files ending in .EXE.  Once you see a program file that you want to add to the list of forbidden programs, just double-click on it to select it.  Repeat as necessary and select as many programs as you like, for each child.  There is no need to save anything as ENUFF automatically saves your selection to the list.


Once again, remember that this feature is optional.  If you have tried and have not succeeded in blocking programs for your children, then write to Akrontech for assistance.


c)     Running Enuff on a Network


As of Version 4.6, Enuff also operates on a network.  In a small network at home, you could install Enuff on all computers and consider one of them to be the “server” for Enuff.  You should only use the “server” to set up permissions etc. for all the users as outlined in this manual.  Once the children’s permissions have been set, you will need to tell the other computers where the user settings are located by means of configuring each computer.  Once properly configured, each user would be able to log on to any one of the computers on the network and time will be deducted from the server’s settings.


Important! To prepare Enuff for network operation, you must load the utility called “Enuff Server Utility” on the server first!

This utility that comes with Enuff will be found when you click on Start, then Programs and select Akrontech.  Click on “Enuff Server Utility” while the Enuff program is running on that computer.  If your server runs Windows NT or 2000, then Enuff will not run on that computer but the Server Utility alone will work fine.  Enuff will not protect a computer (the server in this case), if it runs on Windows NT or 2000; it will only hold the Enuff user configurations.


At this point we assume you have loaded the Enuff network Utility on the server and a network icon is displayed on the bottom-right corner of the Enuff server.  On every other computer on that network, you must install the Enuff program as well (not the Server Utility).


Lon on to Enuff (on the Server) as a parent, enter and configure each child’s access details (Time allowed, and when).


Lets proceed and configure each computer on the network now (tell each computer where the user settings are located):


1)    As a parent, access the configuration mode on each computer on the network following the instructions in section 4 a.

2)    When you see the screen with the parent names and passwords, locate and click on the button called “Network Options”.  Three new options will become available.  That is “Run Enuff from the network”,  “Enuff server IP” and “Test”.

3)    Ensure that each computer has a check mark beside the option “Run Enuff from the network”.

4)    Type in the server’s IP address in the “Enuff server IP” field.

5)    Click on the “Test” button to allow the computer you are setting to look for and find the Server where the user settings are located.

6)    If the test is successful, then you are finished configuring that computer.  Close the Configuration panel and repeat this process until all networked computers are configured.


A few notes about the way Enuff operates on the network.


·       Every computer connected to the network will require a serial number (unlock code) from Akrontech, in order to operate past the first 30 days.  Please write to Akrontech for special prices when you operate Enuff on multiple computers within your home.

·       An administrator (parent), will be able to configure individual users only from the server.

·       If Enuff has been set to run on a network and the server is not present for some reason, only the parent names will display on the Enuff password screen.

·       If the connection between the server and a client machine is lost while a child is using a computer, re-logon will not be permitted after  that computer reconnects with the server.  Only an administrator will be able to reset that child from the server.

·       When using Enuff on a network, the feature called SPECIAL (covered in section 7b) will not be available.

·       Enuff has the ability to use a server, which may be located anywhere on the Internet.  Once the server’s IP address is known, it really doesn’t matter where the server is, as long as you (the administrator) have access to the server in order that you revise the settings when needed.


Should you experience any difficulties in running Enuff on a network, please feel free to write to Akrontech.



6) Using the computer as a parent


a) Logging in and out


When the computer starts up and Windows is loaded, the ENUFF Password Dialog box will appear.  Enter your name or use the drop down menu to select your name.  If the list of names is long and the mouse pointer stops before the last name on the list, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select the right name.  Enter your parent password and you will have access to the computer as usual.


To log out, you do not need to shut down the computer after your session is over.  Either Right-Click on the lock (bottom-right corner of your screen) and select "Sign Off" or Left-Click twice on the lock to automatically end your session.  Alternatively, from the Start Menu, select Programs, then Akrontech and click on “Enuff”.


In the event that you wish to log on Windows as a different user (just for windows purposes only), from the Enuff password screen, select "Log Off".


b) Accessing the Configuration menu


Note: Children may not access the Configuration menu.


While ENUFF is running, a lock will appear (at the bottom right corner of your screen and beside the clock).  Point to the lock and Right-Click (not left-click) your mouse.  Choose Administrator, then select Configuration.  Enter your parent password and you will be able to enter the Configuration mode.


Another way to access the Configuration mode is by clicking on Start, then select Programs, Akrontech and click on “Enuff Configuration Utility”.


c) Other options available to Parents


Parents also have access to the following options:


Logout Parent


This feature will allow parents to select if they wish ENUFF to automatically Sign them off after several minutes of keyboard or mouse inactivity.  While in Configuration, click on Logout Parent and place a check mark select the option “Enable idle time logout”.  While in this mode, select the number of minutes for Idle timeout.  Click on OK when done.


User Status


Right-Click on the pad lock in order to select User Status.  This option will allow parents (or children) to see how much time each child has left for the day.  Important! This option will display the time left, ONLY after a child's setting has entered the allowed time frame.  For example: if Child A can use the computer between 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm, the computer (for User Status purposes) will display details in the User Status window after 3:00 pm for that child.


Computer Usage Log report


While in Configuration (in the children’s name and password screen), parents can click on the "View Log File" button to see detailed information about children's log-in and out dates and times. This list will purge itself every 14 days and will be saved with a unique file name in Program Files, Akrontech, Enuff folder and such files will be named “log_(date).txt”.


Resetting a user’s time


If the parent(s) are present and they decide to give a certain child extra time, they need to enter the Configuration mode, then access the screen with the permissions and select the child's name.  Following that, parents must select the correct Setting (1, 2 or 3). Click on “Reset This Setting” and enter the new permission for this Setting or click on “Reset This Setting” and leave the time as is, the child will be able to repeat the same time interval as previously displayed.


Important Feature!

If a parent wishes to reset a child's time (give that child as much time as he/she just used up) and while on the ENUFF password screen, ensure that the child's name appears on the name line, then just key in your parent password and that child will have that much more time for the day provided that the child is not limited by the cutoff time for that day.



7) Using the computer as a child


a) Logging in and out


When the computer starts up and Windows is loaded, the Password Dialog box will appear.  Children must type in or select their name from the list.  Enter the child password and you will have access to the computer as a child.


The time left for each child will be displayed at the bottom right corner of the screen while that child uses the computer.  Click on the “X” of the time window to eliminate it during a session, if you wish.


Children will be notified twice before their session is over.  The first notification will pop up 5 minutes before the end of their session and the second notification 1 minute before their time is up.  When their time expires, the password screen will come up.  Children are advised to save their work when they see the last minute notification.  If they fail to do that, a parent or a sibling can sign in even after their time is up and save their work.  ENUFF will not automatically terminate their application (program).


Children do not have to shut down the computer after their session is over.  If a child wants to pause the timer for a while, they can Right-Click on the lock and select "Sign Off" or simply Left-Click twice on the lock.  They would need to re-enter their password later, in order to start using the computer again.



b) The “Special” child


Parents can create a child by the name “Special” which will have unique limitations.  The Special child’s password can be given to all your children and you can give “Special” lots of time on the computer every day.  The Special user however, will only have access to a few programs.  Initially, those who will log on to the computer as Special, will only be able to use a word processor, calculator etc.  The parents however, can add more programs to a list for their children to use.   Please note that this is a common profile for all the children and no distinction will be made among them. 


To use this feature, create a child user (in ENUFF) by the name "Special".  Special will be treated just like any other child with a password, access times etc.


You will also need to create a Windows user name (not in Enuff) by the name Special.  That is done when your computer starts Windows and you see the dialog box for a Windows Username and Password.  Alternatively, you can click on “Start” and on “Log Off as …”.   Just type Special for User name and press Enter (no password is needed for Windows).


While in the ENUFF Configuration mode, proceed to the screen where you set the access times for each child.  Select the Special child from the drop down list.  You will then notice a new clickable tab (in red color) beside Setting 3, called Special.


Click on this red tab called Special and you will see a dialog box where you can begin adding programs to the list.  Right-click the mouse in order to see the available options.  Note that initially, the Special child has only a few basic programs available on the list.  The parent(s) must select the programs using the same routine as in Windows Explorer.


Please note!

This option may require some advanced computer skills and a few users may find it difficult.  The Akrontech tech support team will be happy to provide you with additional help when you write to them with specific questions.  Remember though that this part is optional!


When using the special user profile, only programs that are added to the list may be used.  This restriction is determined by a program's executable file name.  Some programs start from one EXE, but load another to actually run the program. 


For example:

Word Perfect 7 loads by running WPWIN.EXE, but WPWIN.EXE loads WPWIN7.EXE.  ENUFF sees that WPWIN.EXE is an allowed program, but does not see WPWIN7.EXE as an allowed program and will close this file as soon as it runs.  By adding the file name WPWIN7.EXE to the list, the WPWIN7.EXE file will also be allowed to run.  If WPWIN.EXE launched WPHELP.EXE, it too should be added as well as any other programs that need to have support EXE's.



It would be better to ADD all EXE files for a particular program to ENUFF's list.  Here is how to do that: While in ENUFF's "Special" program screen, change the "Files of type:" option from "Program Links" to  “Executables".  Add all the executables to the list, then close the window.


To remove a program from the above list, just repeat the above steps and choose Remove after you Right-Click the mouse.



In order to use the computer with the name Special, one MUST log-on to Windows as the user named "Special" first.  Following this step, ENUFF will only display the user name Special in the password dialog box.  It is recommended that parents give the password for the Special user to their children so that any child can use the computer for school work at all times.


Be advised that only one profile with the name Special is allowed by ENUFF.


If parents want to select the programs each child will be allowed to use during their settings, you will need to follow the steps outlined in section 5 (b) (Program Restrictions).


c) Other options available to users


Children have the option of pausing their session at any time, without loosing any of their time.  They simply need to Sign Off by Right-Clicking on the Pad Lock and selecting Sign Off.  When they return to the computer, they need to enter their password again to continue.



8) What if a child...


a) Needs some extra time one day to finish their school-work and the parent(s) are not present?


Apart from the “Special” child described in section 7 (b), ENUFF has the ability to recognize another unique child and allow that child to use the computer with a distinct name and password.


It is suggested that parents create an additional child in ENUFF, with the name "Extra Time". 


The name must be written exactly as Extra Time.   Allow 30 min, 1 hr (or whatever you think is right for a one time use) and assign a unique password that only you (the parent) will know.  If the child needs special consideration one day, you can provide that password to your child over the phone and that child can use the computer as the user named "Extra Time". 


ENUFF will permit the child "Extra Time" to use the computer with the password given by the parent.  The child who logged in as "Extra Time" however, will only be able to use the computer for one SINGLE SESSION!  Once that child signs off (even before their time is up) they will not be able to use the computer again with the same password.  Following the use of the extra time, parents are advised to key-in a new password for the next time and Reset the Extra Time settings.


b) Needs additional time on a given day and the parents are present?


Enter the Configuration menu as described in section 6(b).  Proceed to the window where you would set the days and times for every child.  Either…


Select the right child from the list and simply click on "Reset this setting" if you are going to repeat the same time interval that the child just used up, OR


Alternatively, change the permissions to whatever new setting you wish without having to click on “Reset this setting”.


At the end, click on Close to exit Configuration.



There is also an easier method to give your child a instant repeat of the time he/she just used up.  When the ENUFF user name and password dialog box displays, you could reset a child’s time by displaying that child’s name and instead of keying in their own password, enter a parent password instead.  There will be a question confirming the reset of that child’s time.  Once you answer the question positively, Enuff will give that child that much more time.



c) Tries to change the time and date on the computer in order to keep using it?


ENUFF has several built-in protection mechanisms.  The computer time and date can be changed in 2-3 different ways.  However, when a child operates the computer, ENUFF will not allow the child to change these variables. A parent/teacher however can change the time as usual.


Note: If you (the parent or teacher) find that the computer time has been changed, notify Akrontech a.s.a.p.



d) Tries to delete the entire program?


The child may be able to remove certain non-critical files but not the actual program.  If you find any unusual messages on your screen pertaining to ENUFF, it is best to exit the program and re-install it.

To exit, a parent must Right-Click on the Lock, select Administrator and EXIT (with password).  Re-installation would then be possible. 


e) Needs to do a project with no time limits but allow him/her to access certain programs only?


Please refer to section 5 (b) -Restrictions for details in selecting the programs your children can use.


f) Needs the computer for 2 hours per day, but is allowed only 30 minutes on the Internet?


Supposing your child's name is Simon.  In ENUFF you would normally create a profile for Simon with his settings for days, times etc.  In Simon's setting, allow 1 hr and 30 min computer use per day and NO Internet access.


Now, create one more profile (as if you had another child) and instead of calling it Simon, call it Simon-I

Give Simon-I only 30 minutes per day and allow access to the Internet.  Simon, would have to sign in as Simon-I to use the Internet but only for half an hour daily.


g) Forgets to Sign Off


If a child forgets to sign off and walks away from the computer, WNUFF by default will sign that child off after 5 minutes.  This feature can be turned off or you could change the time to anything other than 5 minutes.  This feature is part of the Advanced Options.


9) Uninstalling the program


Before registration, the demo can be removed by clicking on "Remove Demo" from the registration reminder screen, which appears every time a parent enters his/her password.


If you ever wish to remove the entire program after it has been registered, you must exit the program first.


Follow these steps to complete the task (only if it is absolutely necessary):


To Exit the program right-click on the lock , which is located in the bottom-right hand corner of your screen.  Then, select Administrator and Exit.  Enter your password and you will unload (Exit) the program.  That means ENUFF will not be operating after that point but it will still be on your computer.  At that point you can re-install/upgrade the program if you wish.


To Remove the program:


IMPORTANT!  Removing the program from your computer will require complete re-installation later!


Follow these steps to permanently remove the program from your computer only after you have Exited:


From the Start Menu, select Settings, then Control Panel and Add/Remove Programs.  From the list that will appear, double click on "ENUFF Uninstall" and confirm the removal of the program.


ENUFF will be removed completely.



10) Technical support


Program users can receive free technical support (on issues relating to the ENUFF program) at any time by contacting Akrontech via E-mail or any other means using the telephone and fax numbers listed above.


Note: If your child finds a way to bypass the ENUFF settings, please let Akrontech know as soon as possible.


11) Registration Form


Contact Name:


Organization (if applicable):


Full address:


City:                                   State/Province:


Zip/Postal code:




Tel. #:                                 Fax #:


E-mail address:


ENUFF copy obtained from:


Reference #:




Product ID code:

(if you have paid for your copy already)


Payment method (please circle one):


Amex   Master Card     Visa    Check   Money Order


(if paying by mail, please note that Money Orders or credit card payments, will expedite your order)


Card #:


Expiry date (MM-YY):


Name on Credit Card:



I, the credit card holder named above, authorize Akrontech or it's agent to charge my credit card with the equivalent of $29.95 (US) or ($44 in CDN funds).  Canadian residents need to add 7% GST.  Ontario residents will be charged 8% PST in addition.

