Dynamic Plugins - SPLUGINTYPE (struct)

The declaration of SPLUGINTYPE:

struct SPLUGINTYPE { LPSTR fname; LPSTR pname; VERSIONS verHackman; VERSIONS verDLLdeity; double pVersion; LPSTR pType; long lExtra; };

fname  the DLL's filename 
pname the plugin's name
verHackman  the highest and lowest version of Hackman that the plugin is compatible with
verDLLdeity  the highest and lowest version of DLL Deity that the plugin is compatible with
pVersion  the plugin's version
pType  the plugin's type
lExtra  the sum of the extra parameters that have been set on this plugins. The extra parameters are contained as an enumerated data type (see "Enumerated Data Types")

SPLUGINTYPE is returned when InitializePlugin() is called.
