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Editor Preferences

Keystrokes: None
Menu Command: Edit > Preferences > Editor

The preferences grouped under the "Editor" tab of the Preferences dialog box allow you to customize the editor to suit your needs.

Font Name & Size

You can use any of the fonts and sizes given to you. Only a small number of fonts are list for compatibility, and because most non-fixed width fonts do not display well.

Show Code Controller

This allows you to switch the "Code Controller" (the tabbed bar at the left of the main window) on and off. Most people prefer to have this enabled, but if you are short on screen space you may disable it until you actually need it.

View Line Numbers (Requires "Gutter" to be visible)

This option allows you to toggle the display of line numbers in the margin of the document, or the "Gutter" which can be made visible from the "View" menu. Line numbers are automatically calculated for you, and can also be printed.

Auto Indent / Smart Tabs

Auto Indent will, if enabled, automatically start a new line at the same position you started the previous line at. This allows you to present a more "friendly" code display, but it is not essential for HTML documents. Auto Indent can work on any of the programming languages supported by ScriptWorx.

Insert Mode

This is used to toggle the ability to overwrite existing lines of text by typing directly over them, or to use the standard method of having to select text before overwriting it.

Scroll Past EOL

This allows you to keep scrolling as far right to the screen as you need to.

Gutter Width

This specifies the default width of the gutter in pixels. However, this value will be ignored if you enabled line numbering, as extra space is usually required to display.

Undo/Redo Limit

You can set this option to allow you to control the number of "undo" and "redo" actions can be performed on a document. You may wish to set this at a low level if ScriptWorx crashes frequently.

Extra Line Spacing

If you want extra screen space between each line (if you're having difficulty reading lines of code) then set this option to any value greater than 0 (zero).

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