CodeWorx combines
Auto Complete and In-Line Code Completion. You can define tags and variables
for each, but please read the following carefully first.
This is activated
when you enter a given keyword, and then press the key combination: [Shift]
+ [Space]. For longer code templates, you should use AutoComplete rather than
In-Line Code Completion.
You can also edit
the AutoComplete parameters by editing the cw-auto.slf file in the \Extensions
sub-directory of the main ScriptWorx directory.
In-Line Code
This option is
invoked by pressing [Ctrl] + [J] which provides you with a list of tags, which
you select using your cursor keys and your enter button. We recommend using
tags only with this option.
You can also edit
the In-Line Code Completion parameters by editing the cw-line.slf file in the
\Extensions sub-directory of the main ScriptWorx directory.