
Syntax: SetEnvIf attribute regex envar[=value] [...]
Default: none
Context: server config
Override: none
Status: Base
Module: mod_setenvif
Compatibility: Apache 1.3 and above; the Request_Protocol keyword and environment-variable matching are only available with 1.3.7 and later

The SetEnvIf directive defines environment variables based on attributes of the request. These attributes can be the values of various HTTP request header fields (see RFC2068 for more information about these), or of other aspects of the request, including the following:

Some of the more commonly used request header field names include Host, User-Agent, and Referer.

If the attribute name doesn't match any of the special keywords, nor any of the request's header field names, it is tested as the name of an environment variable in the list of those associated with the request. This allows SetEnvIf directives to test against the result of prior matches.

Only those environment variables defined by earlier SetEnvIf[NoCase] directives are available for testing in this manner. 'Earlier' means that they were defined at a broader scope (such as server-wide) or previously in the current directive's scope.


   SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.gif$" object_is_image=gif
   SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.jpg$" object_is_image=jpg
   SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.xbm$" object_is_image=xbm
   SetEnvIf Referer www\.mydomain\.com intra_site_referral
   SetEnvIf object_is_image xbm XBIT_PROCESSING=1

The first three will set the envariable object_is_image if the request was for an image file, and the fourth sets intra_site_referral if the referring page was somewhere on the Web site.