
Syntax: AuthDigestQop none | 1*{ auth | auth-int }
Default: AuthDigestQop auth
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Status: Base
Module: mod_auth_digest
Compatibility: Available in Apache 1.3.8 and later

The AuthDigestQop directive determines the quality-of-protection to use. auth will only do authentication (username/password); auth-int is authentication plus integrity checking (an MD5 hash of the entity is also computed and checked); none will cause the module to use the old RFC-2069 digest algorithm (which does not include integrity checking). Both auth and auth-int may be specified, in which the case the browser will choose which of these to use. none should only be used if the browser for some reason does not like the challenge it receives otherwise.

auth-int is not implemented yet.