-dragenabled |
-dragendcmd |
-dragevent |
-draginitcmd |
-dragtype |
-dropcmd |
-dropenabled |
-dropovercmd |
-droptypes |
-focus |
-height |
-helptext |
-helptype |
-helpvar |
-name |
-state |
-underline |
-width |
The Label widget extends the default Tk label. Options have been added to provide visual effect depending on the state of the Label, DynamicHelp options, and Drag and Drop.
IMAGE {copy} <image name> | if an image is displayed. |
BITMAP {copy} <bitmap name> | if a bitmap is displayed. |
TEXT {copy} <text> | if a text is displayed. |
COLOR or FGCOLOR | reconfigure the foreground of the Label. |
BGCOLOR | reconfigure the background of the Label. |
IMAGE | reconfigure the Label to display the associated image. |
BITMAP | reconfigure the Label to display the associated bitmap. image option is set to empty. |
TEXT, or any other tag |
reconfigure the Label to display the associated string. image and bitmap options are set to empty. |