New in this version;
- Graphics optimizer (gif only).
- Database explorer.
- more wizards to wizards toolbar. ASPEdit will provide option to view ASP files via local webserver if needed (detects .asp files).
- Image
optimizer, optimizes graphics to make sure that their file-size is as small
as possible.
- Improved Add
url wizard (more effective).
- Search
and find across directories.
- Clipboard viewer.
- Resource detector (detects when resources
are low).
- Fixed memory consumption, ASPEdit now uses
very little system resources and only uses memory when needed, and freeing
it up after usages, this allows ASPEdit to run with other development tools.
- Improved Internal browsers now supports various
resolutions to preview in.
- color
support and easy directory access to publisher wizard
- multi
language support (Dutch and English, more to follow)
- PHP support
- Fast tag support (tags direct)
- last used files (reopen used files,
- Movement recorder
- Code snippet support
- html compressor
- Fixed minor bugs
- Url
redirection wizard.
- Frontpage
webbot support (with wizards to ease the burden of the complication)
- Specially
for PERL users, when " is pressed ASPEdit automatically adds ;
(when switched on in preferences)
- Specially
for PERL users, when " is pressed ASPEdit automatically inserts
\n before the " (when switched on in preferences)
Remark in the remark wizard
- Document
information screen (last date saved, filesize etc.)
- TOPStyle
lite from
Bradsoft is added to ASPEdit as of this version!!!, You can now
create and check stylesheets with ease. More information about
TOPStyle can be found here
support (style sheet commands CSS1 and CSS2)
- Auto
finish tag.
- ampersand to and converter
(& to and)
- Alt+enter
to <hr> converter
- Ctrl+enter
to <p> converter (attributes configurable)
- Enter
to <br> converter
- Font
size and font chooser to tags direct menu.
- Favorite file option, add all files you edit on a regular basis to a handy file-base.
- Parameter support, ASPEdit now support the passing of filenames on its command line, which enables other programs to pass files to
- Support to FrontPage Explorer's external editors, when FrontPage is detected ASPEdit will gently ask if you want to make certain extensions available as an external editor (which is highly recommend, as FrontPage has the tendency to mess up asp files)á
- Perl command wizards, available now is minimal perl headers, email wizard (and function) and a Perl parameter parser.
- Perl mail wizard
- Ability to print document to color printers, with all colorized content.
- Cold Fusion mail wizard
- DHTML support (page transition wizard)
- Make selected text perl function
- Export file as a Mac formatted file
- Export file as a Unix formatted file
- SQL table generator, wizard lets you generate the code to create a table via SQL.á
- Extended character wizard (&Reg, &tm; etc.).
- Auto indent is now supported.
- Gutter to editor (now displays line numbering).
- Code completion (Ctrl+Space displays the tag you might have
- Auto completion (extended macro's) (Shift+Space invokes the auto completion).
- Version control manager. You can now add files to the VCS manager and if opened
via the VCS manager you can keep track of file changes.
- Convert selected text to Perl print command.
- Session timer (project timer).
- JavaScript support (all known statements supported).
- Data sharing directory support (needed for VCS manager).
- Tabs to spaces converter.
- Export to RTF file's.
- Drag 'n paste in all edit screens, you can now drag a selection of text to another position within the document.
- Save on enter, if selected ASPEdit will save your document every time when you click the enter key.
(nb. not advised when using large documents)
- Convert windows to Unix document and vice-versa
- Ability to open files read only from all open file options (VCS
manager included).á
- Email check routine (ASP/VBScript)
- JavaScript page refresh
- Renewed interface
- Export and import of
entire configuration (helping you to have the same setup on another machine.
- Mass emailer script
- Select start and end
blocks (eg. <head>...</head>).
- Full drag and drop support
for all web related files, dropping graphics files on to the edit screen
will open up the image wizard.
- Ad rotator manager, make
the task of adding and removing banners from your rotator file easier then
ever before!.
- Import .csv files and
generate tables from the gathered data.
- Export files as mac or
unix files.
- Sql table generator,
create the sql syntax needed to generate a table with ease.
- Code completion and
autofinish is now full supported.
- Version control manager,
no external software needed, keep track of the files you edit and which
version they are.
- Creation
of empty wap/wml pages, more wap features to come in the near
- Paste
as table feature, it now pastes without re-formating the text
- Internal
Browser routine, ASPEdit now offers splitscreen editing.
- External
browser support, now supports Internet
Explorer, NetScape,
& WEBTV browser, all are easily
auto-detected (via preferences menu) and you can select the browser
you want to use before browsing.
- Auto
conversion of tabs to spaces upon loading document, this feature can
be switched on via the preferences menu.
- Insert
tabs as spaces, you can now set the amount of spaces to be inserted
when Tab is pressed, if you leave the option unticked a standard tab
will be inserted. The feature can be switched on via the preferences
/ configuration menu.
- Hex
editor, allows you to editor binary files as well.
- Full
hdml support
- Full WML/WAP support
- Fast
filefind wizard which allows you to search for text in files,
file-extension, date modified etc. this is a very powerfull
- Ability
to save SQL statement in the SQL create table wizard.
- Ability
to call the SQL create table wizard from the SQL query builder.
- Ability
to select which tags and script languages are loaded at the startup
of ASPEdit, when all are deselected ASP/HTML & Jscript will
still be available as these are the bare minimum.
- C#
- Complete
set of commands for C#
- C#
- C# Sample code.
- Shell
to internal browser now supports opening from virtual servers
instead of direct usage of local machines ip address.
- Ability
to Save,
& Delete
queries generated by the SQL Query builder to
- Import
from excel sheets, export to html, xml or a worddocument.
- Proxy
- Set
document type
support, now easy selectable from menu, choice of
*all* know document types to date.
- Download
ability to the check for update
feature, if a newer version is
available you can let ASPEdit download it directly from the server.
script to enable emails to be send from that phone.
- Italian
language file
- Chinese language file