InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-1997Y SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES MEDIA FOLDER_PROGRAMS SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDERQ LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE ISOSVERSIONINFO ISIOSVersionInfoSize ISIMajorVersion ISIMinorVersion ISIBuildNumber ISIPlatformId szISCSDVersion SERVICE_STATUS dwServiceType dwCurrentState dwControlsAccepted dwWin32ExitCode dwServiceSpecificExitCode dwCheckPoint dwWaitHint SERVICE_ARGS pszArg1 pszArg2 pszArg3 pszArg4 pszArg5 pszArg6 pszArg7 pszArg8 pszArg9 pszArg10 KERNEL32 GetVersionEx SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo Advapi32 OpenSCManagerA Advapi32 CreateServiceA Advapi32 ChangeServiceConfigA Advapi32 OpenServiceA ADVAPI32 CloseServiceHandle KERNEL GetLastError Advapi32 ControlService Advapi32 QueryServiceStatus Advapi32 StartServiceA Nelze vytvo it strukturu seznamu datov ho adres Nelze vytvo it strukturu seznamu datov ho adres install.log Notes Client( Custom( ichni klienti( COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_VERSIONR PRODUCT_KEYR ERROR_UNINSTSETUPR Uninst.isu" Lotus NotesA Lotus NotesA Lotus DominoA ERROR_UNINSTSETUPR PRODUCT_KEYR UNINST_DISPLAY_NAMER Notes Program Files\Required Program Files\Win95 System FilesA RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A NT Client Single LogonA SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon GinaDLL2 gina.dll# Je mo zaregistrovat pouze jeden SingleLogonHook. SingleLogonHook ji program. Chcete-li pokra ovat, vyberte mo nost Ano, nechcete-li instalovat Notes Single Logon, vyberte mo nost Ne.A NT Client Single LogonA notes.iniR notes.inia notes.ini! Chyba p enosu souborua, Soubor %s nelze p st z %s do %s, chyba#%da Notes.inib notes.b notes.b notes.inib Unable to Rename File notes.ini to notes.b Shared InstallA ! \wallpaper.bmp wallpaper.bmp6 wallpaper.bmp6 \progress.bmp progress.bmp6 progress.bmp6 shared.ini Notes Program Files\Required Program Files\Ini FileA Notes Program Files\Required Program Files\Ini FileA part.scr shared.ini \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\5.0Q PARTITION1A domino\cgi-bin Instala program nemohl vytvo it adres \cgi-bin v b+ PARTITIONb part.scrb Notes Program Files\Required Program Files\Ini FileA \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\5.0Q domino\cgi-bin Instala program nemohl vytvo it adres \cgi-bin v b+ TITLE_CAPTIONBARR ERROR_MOVEDATAR PRODUCT_KEYR Nelze vytvo it pot seznam!A RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\4.0 \SOFTWARE\Mircosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notes 4.0! \SOFTWARE\Mircosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notes 4.0 \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\4.1 \SOFTWARE\Mircosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notes 4.1! \SOFTWARE\Mircosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Notes 4.1 Notes, Notes, Notes, Domino, Notes COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_NAMER COMPANY_NAMER PRODUCT_NAMER \Data, COMPANY_NAME16R PRODUCT_NAME16R COMPANY_NAME16R PRODUCT_NAME16R \Data PRODUCT_NAMER \wallpaper.bmp wallpaper.bmp6 wallpaper.bmp6 ERROR_VGARESOLUTIONR Instalace programu Lotus Notes, Instalace serveru Lotus Domino Instalace programu Lotus Notesb license.txt Instalace programu Lotus Notes, Instalace serveru Lotus Domino Zadejte sv no a n zev spole nosti." Instalace programu Lotus Notes, Instalace serveru Lotus Domino Instalace programu Lotus Notes, Instalace serveru Lotus Domino Instalace programu Lotus Notes, Instalace serveru Lotus Domino Notes Lite, Notes Oem Client Notes Oem Client( Notes Lite( Notes Client( Domino Designer( Domino Administrator( Domino Server( Domino Mail Server( Domino Enterprise Server( ichni klienti( NT Client Single LogonA NT Client Single LogonA Domino Directory NT Sync ServicesA Domino Directory NT Sync ServicesA Custom( ichni klienti( Domino Designer Domino AdministratorA ichni klienti Notes Lite( Notes Oem Client( NT Client Single LogonA Notes Client( Notes Program Files\Additional Network DriversA Domino AdministratorA Domino DesignerA Domino AdministratorA Domino DesignerA FOLDER_NAMER0 Instalace programu Lotus Notes, Instalace serveru Lotus Domino kujeme, e instalujete program %p. Chcete-li spustit %p, otev ete vybranou slo ku a klepn te na ikonu %p. Instalace programu Lotus Notesb Instalace programu Lotus Notes, Instalace serveru Lotus Domino Nelze vytvo it pot seznam!A RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes Lotus Notes \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\5.0 notes.exe, \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino Domino \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\5.0( server.exe, server.exe \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes Lotus Notes \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\5.0 notes.exe \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\5.0, \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\5.0 DescriptionQ PathQ DataPathQ NameQ DescriptionQ PathS DataPath$ NameQ NT Client Single LogonA gina.dllQ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogona GinaDLLA Notesw32.reg Nelze otev t registra soubor b Nelze zpracovat polo ku registru b HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT( RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE( RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A Nelze zpracovat polo ku registru b %notesdir%! %notesdir%! Do registru nelze p idat kl Do registru nelze p idat kl CloseFile failed.A RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Lotus Notes DLLPath! nmailman.dllQ RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A \SOFTWARE\Lotusa \Components$ \LotusScriptExtensionsP \LotusScriptExtensions$ \2.0f Lsxodbc! \LotusScriptExtensions$ \2.0f lsxbe! \2.0$ \nlsxbe.dllQ NotesA Domino Directory NT Sync Services! RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\a \Network\UMAddOns$ nnume.dllQ NumeA RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A \SOFTWARE\Lotusa \Components$ \TeamMail DescriptionA TeamMail Mail Enabling dllB VersionA KeyPathA SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\5.0B ApplicationA NotesB RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\a AeDebug Debugger2 qnc.exe( drwatson( drwtsn32( QUINCY( AutoQ Debugger% qnc.exe$ -p %ld -e %ld -gQ \SOFTWARE\Lotusa \QuincyP 00000000Q NumberOFCrashesA LogFilePathA WaveFileA DumpSymbolsA 00000001Q DumpAllThreadsA 00000001Q AppendToLogFileA 00000001Q VisualNotificationA 00000001Q SoundNotificationA 00000010Q InstructionsA 00000010Q MaximumCrashesA 00000000Q DumpAllModulesA Nelze vytvo it pot seznam!A RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A \SOFTWARE\Lotus\NotesB \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes! Path2 DataPath2 \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes, \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\5.0 \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\4.0$ server.exe) \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\4.0 \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\4.1$ server.exe) \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\4.1 Path2 DataPath2 Nelze vytvo it pot seznam.a LocateDominoInRegistry* RegDBSetDefaultRoot se nezda ilo.a LocateDominoInRegistry* \SOFTWARE\Lotus\DominoB \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino! Path2 DataPath2 \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino notes.ini& Notesa KitTypeR \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino/ Nelze vytvo it pot seznam.a ArePartitionsInstalled* RegDBSetDefaultRoot se nezda ilo.a ArePartitionsInstalled* \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\5.0B PARTITIONb \SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\5.0b PATHR First call to GetEnvVar failed.A remove.lst! Unable to Open Obsolete Fileb Unable to create list.A Nelze zpracovat ( ( Error: Unknown Keyword in File LocationA Nelze odebrat soubor:b \notes.ini% Notesa Directoryb notes.ini$ Nelze aktualizovat soubor b \notes.ini% Notesa Directoryb+ notes.ini$ Nelze aktualizovat soubor b Server( \notes.ini% Notesa KitTypea notes.ini$ Nelze aktualizovat soubor b \notes.ini% Notesa SetupDBa Setup.nsf! notes.ini$ Nelze aktualizovat soubor b \notes.ini% Notesa UserNameb- notes.ini$ Nelze aktualizovat soubor b \notes.ini% Notesa CompanyNameb. notes.ini$ Nelze aktualizovat soubor b \notes.ini% Notesa NotesProgramb* notes.ini$ Nelze aktualizovat soubor b \notes.ini% Notesa KitTypea notes.ini$ Unable to update b \notes.ini% Notesa KitTypea notes.ini$ Unable to update b \notes.ini% Notesa InstallTypeb notes.ini$ Nelze aktualizovat soubor b lotus.ini% Lotus Applicationsa Notesb lotus.ini$ Nelze aktualizovat soubor b Notes.iniR ComponentError returned the following data transfer error. Setup will now abort. Media Name: %s Component: %s File Group: %s File: %s Error Number: %ld Data Transfer Error Informationb Instalace programu Lotus Notesb Nelze vytvo it strukturu seznamu datov ho adres Domino Dominob server.exe, server.exe \notes.ini AddFolderIcon failed.A CreateFile failed.A MEM :b BOOTDRIVE :b CDROM :TRUE, CDROM :FALSE CommonFilesDir :b DeskTopFolder :b ProgramFolder :b StartMenuFolder :b StartupFolder :b InfoFile :b IresdllLocation :b IsuserDllLocation :b SRCDIR :b SupportDir :b TargetDir :b WindowsDir :b WinSysDir :b Visible:$ Selected:$ Size:$ ( mapisvc.infR notespis.inf, mapisvc.inf Servicesa NOTESa Lotus Notes Mail% NOTESa PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAMEa nwnsp.dll% NOTESa PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILESa nwnsp.dll% NOTESa PR_SERVICE_DELETE_FILESa nwnsp.dll% NOTESa PR_SERVICE_ENTRY_NAMEa ServiceEntry% NOTESa Providersa NAB,NMS,NXP% NOTESa WIZARD_ENTRY_NAMEa ServiceWizard% NOTESa PR_RESOURCE_FLAGSa, SERVICE_SINGLE_COPY|SERVICE_PRIMARY_IDENTITY% PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAMEa nwnsp.dll% PR_RESOURCE_TYPEa MAPI_AB_PROVIDER% PR_DISPLAY_NAMEa Lotus Notes Address Book% PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAYa Lotus Notes Address Book% PR_RESOURCE_FLAGSa STATUS_PRIMARY_IDENTITY% PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAMEa nwnsp.dll% PR_RESOURCE_TYPEa MAPI_STORE_PROVIDER% PR_RESOURCE_FLAGSa, STATUS_PRIMARY_IDENTITY|STATUS_DEFAULT_STORE% PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAYa Lotus Notes Message Store% PR_DISPLAY_NAMEa Lotus Notes Message Store% PR_MDB_PROVIDERa 395d475fecf1cd1193dc5aab3C478538% PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAMEa nwnsp.dll% PR_RESOURCE_TYPEa MAPI_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER% PR_RESOURCE_FLAGSa STATUS_PRIMARY_IDENTITY% PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAYa Lotus Notes Transport% PR_DISPLAY_NAMEa Lotus Notes Transport% RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A Nelze vytvo it pot seznam!A SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\8.0B SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Outlook\SchedulingInformation\FreeBusySupporta NOTESA {B2892222-7C18-11D3-98DC-00A0C9A342AA}A Unable to add Root registry key aK SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Outlook\SchedulingInformation\FreeBusySupport* RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A CLSID\a {B2892222-7C18-11D3-98DC-00A0C9A342AA}A Unable to add Root registry key aK SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Outlook\SchedulingInformation\FreeBusySupport* RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\9.0B SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Outlook\SchedulingInformation\FreeBusySupporta NOTESA {B2892222-7C18-11D3-98DC-00A0C9A342AA}A Unable to add Root registry key aK SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Outlook\SchedulingInformation\FreeBusySupport* RegDBSetDefaultRoot Failed !!A CLSID\a {B2892222-7C18-11D3-98DC-00A0C9A342AA}A Unable to add Root registry key aK SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Outlook\SchedulingInformation\FreeBusySupport* PATHR notes.iniR notes.iniR notes.iniR Soubor Notes.ini byl nalezen v cest %s a %s. Instalujete-li v ce kopi programu Notes nebo Domino, nep vejte je do cesty. Volbou Ano soubor %s\notes.ini p ejmenujete na %s, volbou Ne ukon te instalaci.b9 Soubor Notes.ini byl nalezen v cest %s a %s. Instalujete-li v ce kopi programu Notes nebo Domino, nep vejte je do cesty. Volbou Ano soubor %s\notes.ini p ejmenujete na %s, volbou Ne ukon te instalaci.b9 notes.b notes.b Soubor Notes.ini byl nalezen v cest %s a %s. Instalujete-li v ce kopi programu Notes nebo Domino, nep vejte je do cesty. Volbou Ano soubor %s\notes.ini p ejmenujete na %s, volbou Ne ukon te instalaci.b9 notes.b Soubor Notes.ini byl nalezen v cest %s a %s. Instalujete-li v ce kopi programu Notes nebo Domino, nep vejte je do cesty. Volbou Ano soubor %s\notes.ini p ejmenujete na %s, volbou Ne ukon te instalaci.b9 notes.b notes.inib Unable to Rename File notes.ini to notes.b Soubor Notes.ini, na kter odkazuje registr, neexistuje (%s). Klepnut m na tla tko Ano m ete probl m opravit a pokra ovat v instalaci, klepnut m na tla tko Ne instalaci ukon Soubor Notes.ini, na kter odkazuje registr, neexistuje (%s). Klepnut m na tla tko Ano m ete probl m opravit a pokra ovat v instalaci, klepnut m na tla tko Ne instalaci ukon Domino Designer Common Data Files\Required Administrative TemplatesA Common Data Files\Required Administrative TemplatesA Domino AdministratorA Domino AdministratorA Help\Administration HelpA Help\Administration HelpA Help\Client HelpA Help\Client HelpA Help\Designer HelpA Help\Designer HelpA ichni klienti CreateFile failed.A Open failed.b ( ( CreateFile failed.A Open failed.b ( ( server.exe, server.exe Lotus Notes) notes.exeR notes.exe Lotus Domino Designer$ designer.exe, Lotus Notes) notes.exeR notes.exe vce serveru Lotus Domino$ admin.exe, Lotus Notes Lotus Domino Designer vce serveru Lotus Domino) notes.exeR notes.exe designer.exeR designer.exe admin.exeR admin.exe Server Lotus Domino$ Server Lotus Domino$ Server Lotus Domino$ Lotus Notes$ notes.exe, Lotus Notes$ notes.exe, Lotus Notes$ notes.exe, Warning AddIcon called without Install TypeA AddFolderIcon failed.A AddFolderIcon failed.A AddFolderIcon failed.A nminder.exeRG Notes Minder$ nminder.exeZ AddFolderIcon failed.A copyfile.txtR copyfile.txt! Unable to create list.A Nelze zpracovat The following line doesn't contain the correct number of parameters. ProgDir( DataDir( HelpDir( \helpb SmartDir( \w32b COPY( UPDATE( UPDATEVERSION( UPDATEDATE( SELFREGISTERING( SHARED( LOCK( INCLUDE( EXCLUDE( Unable to copy file :b Nelze vytvo it strukturu seznamu datov ho adres Unabel to populate command line optionsA noreboot( reboot( noteslite( Notes Lite notesclient( Notes Client allclients( ichni klienti dominodesigner( Domino Designer dominoadmin( Domino Administrator domserver( Domino Server dominomail( Domino Mail Server dominodirectory( Domino Directory Server dominoenterprise( Domino Directory Server custom( nslinst.exeR nslinst -d \LotusProductRegistration.exe) \LotusProductRegistration.exe( AH7LENA, AH7TENA, AH7LENA, AH7LLNA, AH7M9NA, AH7LQNA, AH7T3NA, AH7T3NA Nelze spustit b edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB. Errorb _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA szISCSDVersion2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA $ / : * ? " < > |* Severe SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! Typical, Custom, Compact szDirA ResultA SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx/ SdSetupTypeEx! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! 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ResultA szDirA szDir1A gUpGradeA Chybn konfiguracea Vybran adres %s obsahuje instalaci programu %s. Server Domino a program Notes nemohou sd let stejn datov adres Vyberte jin adres Notes, Chybn konfiguracea Vybran adres %s obsahuje instalaci programu %s. Server Domino a program Notes nemohou sd let stejn datov adres Vyberte jin adres Domino You have selecte to install a partioned Server, please wait till prompted to change your data directoryA SdAskDestPath! szDirA szDir1A gUpgradeA ResultA Nelze vytvo it strukturu seznamu datov ho adres Nelze vytvo it strukturu seznamu datov ho adres SdRegisterUser! SdRegisterUser! SdRegisterUser! SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA CuAddPartitions( ResultA CuAddPartitions! Instalace programu Lotus Notesb CuAddPartDataDir( DataDirList is Empty FATAL Error!A CuAddPartDataDir! CuAddOns! Unable to create necessary list!A Unable to create necessary list!A Unable to create necessary list!A apps.txt! Unable to create necessary list!A Unable to add string to listAddOnNameA Unable to add string to listAddOnNameA Unable to add string to listAddOnNameA Unable to create necessary list!A Do rozev ho seznamu nelze na st dataa CuAddonsDialog! ServiceNameR% NULL( b+ DisplayNameR NULL( b+ DesiredAccessR ServiceTypeR StartTypeR ErrorControlR BinaryPathNameR NULL( LoadOrderGroupR NULL( TagIDR NULL( DependenciesR! NULL( ServiceStartNameR" NULL( PasswordR# NULL( ServiceExists2( ComponentR' SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP( SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE( SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE( SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE( SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN( SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS( SC_MANAGER_CONNECT( SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE( SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE( SC_MANAGER_LOCK( SC_MANAGER_QUERY_LOCK_STATUS( GENERIC_READ( GENERIC_WRITE( GENERIC_EXECUTE( STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED( DELETE( READ_CONTROL( SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS( SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG( SERVICE_ENUMERATE_DEPENDENTS( SERVICE_INTERROGATE( SERVICE_PAUSE_CONTINUE( SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG( SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS( SERVICE_START( SERVICE_STOP( SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL( SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS( SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS( SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER( SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER( SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS( SERVICE_BOOT_START( SERVICE_SYSTEM_START( SERVICE_AUTO_START( SERVICE_DEMAND_START( SERVICE_DISABLED( SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE( SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL( SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE( SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( InServ.iniZ Servicesa Servicesb& Servicesa Servicesb& advapi32.dll ServiceExistsa dwCurrentState2 dwCurrentState2 advapi32.dll advapi32.dll advapi32.dll/ StartService2 ServiceArgsR NULL( pszArg1B pszArg2B pszArg3B pszArg4B pszArg5B pszArg6B pszArg7B pszArg8B pszArg9B pszArg10B Servicea service.ini& Servicesb Serviceb service.ini% Servicesb UNINST_DISPLAY_NAMER SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b UninstallStringR UNINST_DLLR UNINST_DLLR STR_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDR STR_ERROR_DATABASE_DOES_NOT_EXISTR STR_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERR STR_ERROR_CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCYR STR_ERROR_DUP_NAMER STR_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLER STR_ERROR_INVALID_NAMER STR_ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_ACCOUNTR STR_ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTSR STR_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUNDR STR_ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNINGR STR_ERROR_SERVICE_DATABASE_LOCKEDR STR_ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_DELETEDR STR_ERROR_SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAILR STR_ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLEDR STR_ERROR_SERVICE_LOGON_FAILEDR STR_ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETER STR_ERROR_SERVICE_NO_THREADR STR_ERROR_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUTR STR_IS_ERROR_SERVICE_FAILED_TO_STOPR STR_IS_ERROR_STORE_UNINSTALL_INFOR STR_IS_ERROR_UPDATEUNINSTSTRINGR STR_IS_ERROR_INIT_VARSR STR_ERROR_UNKNOWNR ERROR #:$ 5.00.000