SoftLite ScriptWorx Help
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Adding Images

Choose ôImageö from the Insert Menu - [Ctrl] + [I]

You can either insert an image from a web server, by typing its address (for example, is valid) or by browsing for any image on your computer. Simply click the Browse button to look for files on your hard disk. (A preview of ônearlyö all image types is now available).

You can specify a height and width for the image, by using the up and down buttons next to the height and width boxes. However, this may garble the image and often gives it a æruggedÆ finish. The best method is to use the imagesÆ original size.

Image Types to use for a web browser:
CompuServe Bitmap (*.gif)
Joint Pictures Expert Group (*.jpg or *.jpeg)

Users must note that .gif files only support 256 colors, but .jpeg images support millions of colors.

Placing Images Accurately

ScriptWorx 4 allows you to use layers and style sheets to define precisely where an image will appear on screen. Users with Netscape Communicator 4.12+ and Internet Explorer 4.12+ will be able to see these, older browser should have images placed within normal tables.

To specify a location for your image, click the "Positioning" button in the Image dialog box. You will have the following options:

  • Left - Specifies how many pixels from the left of the browser the image should be shown at
  • Top - Specifies how many pixels down from the top of the browser the image should be shown at
  • Height and Width - Specify the height and width of the layer.
  • Z-Index should be set to auto by default.