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Using Hyperlinks:

Choose ôHyperlinkö from the Insert Menu - [Ctrl] + [H]

What Are Hyperlinks?

These are references to other HTML documents, e-mail addresses, news groups and so on. These appear using the < a href="...." > tag in the document. In between the inverted commas, you insert a protocol and an address, eg. These links appear underlined in a document.

The following can also be used:

https:// Secure Web Page
mailto: Loads Users E-Mail Client
news: Uses a news server
ftp:// Uses an FTP server
gopher:// Uses the gopher protocol
file:// Display a page on your hard disk

For working on the web, it is recommended you use relative links. These don't need a protocol, and so here is an example:

Full Page Address:

Relative Link: