HTML Report Wizard Window / Report Elements Page / Report Body
This page allows you to define the appearance of the actual report. You can define the type of the report (tabular, plain), table options (width, transparent..), text and
header attributes (color, size,..).
Report (Body) Format
Click on Plain if you would like to have each field on a separate line. Click on Tabular if you want to display selected fields in the form of a table.
Table Options
This part allows you to define some table attributes. You can define the table's border width. In the box, enter a number. It will represent the table's border width in pixels.
Click Transparent Table to make the table transparent. Click Table Center to make the table appear horizontally centered.
Table Width
This part allows you to specify the width of the table in three ways: as needed (browser decides), in pixels, and as a percentage of the browser display window.