Xteq Systems X-Setup (http://www.xteq.com) - Readme Version 5.6 _____________________________________________________ ABOUT XTEQ X-SETUP Xteq X-Setup is the ultimate in system configuration or "tweaking" as some people would say. It covers all types of options and has many useful features - for more information see the file FILE_ID.DIZ or browse http://www.xteq.com/products/xset Xteq X-Setup is also the official system configuration utility of lockergnome.com: Lockergnome's free Windows e-mail newsletter is packed with the latest 32-bit downloads, Web sites, games, multimedia, fonts, tips & tricks, updates & patches, themes, computer industry news, and more. Don't miss another review! http://www.lockergnome.com/ To subscribe directly, please use the following URL http://www.lockergnome.com/issues/daily.html _____________________________________________________ INSTALLING XTEQ X-SETUP To install Xteq X-Setup, extract all files from the archive to a directory and start SETUP.EXE. After Setup has finished, this directory can be deleted. NOTE: Xteq X-Setup does not interference with any other system utility nor does it change any configuration by just installing it. Therefore, you can always install it and give it a try. To remove Xteq X-Setup, use Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs. _____________________________________________________ REQUIRED COMPONENTS Xteq X-Setup requires the Microsoft Scripting Engine (MSE) to work properly - this component is included in Windows 98 or Windows 2000. You can also download the MSE for free from: http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/vbscript/scripting.asp Beside this, HTML Help is needed as X-Setup does use a CHM file for its help system - HTML Help is included in Internet Explorer 3.0 or above. You can also download the HTML Help from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/tools/htmlhelp/wkshp/download.htm X-Setup will check for the availability of both components before it starts and displays an error message if they are missing. _____________________________________________________ SUPPORT FOR XTEQ X-SETUP Due to the huge success of Xteq X-Setup, we are bombed with hundreds of email per day. Because of this, we can no longer response to support requests that are already documented, SORRY! So please do the following BEFORE you contact us: a) read README.TXT carefully (you already do this :-) b) check the "FAQ" section inside help c) check the "Known Issues" section inside help d) see http://www.xteq.com/support If you still have no answer for your request, please do not hesitate to contact us. _____________________________________________________ CONTACTING THE AUTHOR / XTEQ SYSTEMS To contact the author, write to TeXHeX@xteq.com To contact Xteq Systems, write to info@xteq.com or visit our website at http://www.xteq.com. _____________________________________________________ SOFTWARE STATUS This software is FREEWARE, which means you are allowed to use it at no cost. You always use this software under the terms of our Software License! To help us providing freeware in the future, please visit our above mentioned site and read how you can help us. Thanks in advance. _____________________________________________________ SOFTWARE LICENSE A detailed license for this software is included in the file LICENSE.TXT that can be found in the same directory where the software is installed or directly inside the archive. _____________________________________________________ DISTRIBUTING / CD-VENDOR INFORMATION Information about distributing our software is also included in LICENSE.TXT. Key Point: Non-commercial distribution is welcome and allowed. _____________________________________________________ Copyright © Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved http://www.xteq.com