New->Browse Templates
Creates a new document from the template.
Please refer to the "Creating
a new document from a template" section for more
detailed information.
Creates a new document.
See the "Creating a new
document" section for more information.
Opens an existing document. Also lets you open other
ConceptDraw files: templates, libraries, workspace files.
For more specific information, please refer to the "Opening a document", "Opening a library", "Creating a new
document from a template", "Opening documents and
libraries by using the workspace" sections.
New Library
Creates a new library.
See the "Creating a new
library" section for details.
Open Library
Opens an existing library.
See the "Opening a
library" section for specifics.
Closes the active document.
Saves the active document.
Please refer to the "Saving the
document (Save, SaveAs)" section for more information.
Save As
Saves the active document under a new filename.
Please refer to the "Saving the
document (Save, SaveAs)" section for more information.
Save As Template
Saves/creates a template file
For specifics, refer to the "Creating
a template file" section.
Save Workspace
Saves/creates a workspace file
For specifics, refer to the "Creating
a workspace file" section.
Opens picture files of various graphic formats.
Please refer to the "Importing
files" section for more specific information.
This option saves the document or a group of selected
objects in a graphic format, or as an HTML file.
Please refer to the "Exporting
files" section for more specific information.
Print Preview
Lets you view - prior to actual printing - how the
document will print.
For specifics, refer to the "Previewing
the document" section.
Prints the document.
Please refer to the "Printing"
section for more specific information.
Print Setup
Selects the paper size, orientation and some other
printer settings.
Please refer to the "Printer
setup" section for more specific information.
Sends the document via e-mail.
Please refer to the "Sending a
document by e-mail" section for more specific
Document Properties
Displays the dialog box, where you can specify the
document name, size and orientation of the document pages, scale,
measurement system and other parameters.
For specifics, please refer to the "Document Properties
dialog (General, Page, Settings)" section.
Shows a list of the four most recent documents you've
worked on in ConceptDraw. Clicking on a document name will reopen
Open Recent
Lets you select one of the ten most recent documents
you've worked on from the drop-down list. Clicking on the
document name will reopen it.
Closes all opened documents and exits ConceptDraw. If
you haven't saved changes you've made to a document, the program
will offer you to save the document before exiting.
Reverses the last operation you performed.
See the "Undo and redo operations"
section for details.
Reverses the last Undo operation.
See the "Undo and redo operations"
section for details.
Removes selected objects or text and places them on the
Please refer to the "Copying and
pasting" section for more specific information.
Copies selected objects or text and places them on the
Please refer to the "Copying and
pasting" section for more specific information.
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard onto the document
Please refer to the "Copying and
pasting" section for more specific information.
Inserts the contents of the Clipboard onto the document,
letting you specify the format in which the pasted object will be
stored. This option is mostly used for inserting OLE-objects.
For specifics, refer to the "Inserting
an object from an open OLE-compatible program" section.
Paste From
Takes the contents of the Clipboard and inserts it into
the document as a picture.
Put Into Library
Copies selected object from the document into the
For specifics, refer to the "Adding
an object from the document to a library" section.
Replace Library Object
Replaces a selected library object with a new one
without changing the icon.
For more information refer to the "Replacing an object under
the existing library icon" section.
Deletes selected objects or handles.
See the "Deleting objects"
section for details.
Selects all objects on the active page of the document.
Duplicates selected objects.
See the "Duplicating objects"
for specifics.
Starts editing of selected OLE-object.
Please refer to the "Editing an
OLE object" section for specifics.
Zoom In
Magnifies the document for detailed editing.
Refer to the "Zooming"
for more specific information.
Zoom Out
Reduces the document and lets you see and work with more
of the document at one time.
Refer to the "Zooming"
for more specific information.
Lets you choose one of the zoom levels within the 50% -
400% range from the submenu.
Last Zoom
Returns the document to the last zoom setting.
Actual Size
Sets zoom to 100%.
Page Width
Sets the zoom level so that the page width fits in the
Whole Page
Sets the zoom level so that the entire page fits in the
Shows/hides the rulers.
Shows/hides the background grid.
Shows/hides the guide lines.
Connection Points
Shows/hides the connection points of objects.
Connection Points In Groups
Shows/hides the connection points of objects in groups.
Page Breaks
Shows/hides the unprinted areas of the document pages.
Shows/hides the library window.
Layer Properties
Displays the dialog, where you can modify the layer
properties. There you may name a layer, specify whether a layer
is visible, active, or locked, change the layer color.
More detailed information can be found in the "Working with layers" section.
Imports a picture and inserts it into the document.
See the "Pictures" section
for specifics.
Assigns a hyperlink to the selected object. You can use
this hyperlink to jump to another page of the document, open a
document, launch an application, open an Internet page in the
For specifics, please refer to the "Hyperlink"
Inserts OLE-object into the document.
Please refer to the "Working with other
programs (OLE)" section for details.
Displays the dialog box, where you can change the line
properties of the selected object, and apply arrowheads to the
line ends.
See the line "Line
Properties" section for more specific information.
Displays the dialog, where you can change the fill
colors for the object and its shadow.
Refer to the "Fill
patterns and colors" and "Shadows" sections
for more specific information.
Brings up the dialog, where the properties of the
selected text block can be set. In the dialog, you may select the
font, font size, fond color and style, margins and indentation.
Refer to the "Text
Properties dialog box" section for more specific
Follows the hyperlink associated with the selected
object. Depending on the hyperlink type, this command can open a
page of the document, open another document, launch an
application, or open an Internet page in an available browser.
For more specific information, refer to the "Hyperlink"
Opens the dialog where hyperlink properties can be
For more specific information, refer to the "Hyperlink"
Removes the hyperlink associated with the selected
Displays the Protection dialog, where you can lock some
properties of the selected object against being changed: for
instance, the width, height, angle and other.
Please refer to the "Protection"
section for specifics.
Assigns the double-click action of the object.
See the "Double
click" section for details.
Set Layer
Moves selected objects onto another layer.
For more specific information, refer to the "Working
with layers" section.
Opens the Behaviour dialog box, where you can specify
whether the object is 1-Dimensional or 2-Dimensional. Here you
may also set how the object behaves when resized, show/hide its
alignment box and handles.
Please see the "Behaviour"
section for more detailed information.
Calls the Information dialog, where you can name and
describe the selected object.
See the "Information"
section for specifics.
Send To Back
Sends selected objects to the back of the order list.
Please refer to the "Changing the order
in which objects are displayed" section for more
detailed information.
Bring To Front
Bring selected objects to the front of the order list.
Please refer to the "Changing the order
in which objects are displayed" section for more
detailed information.
Send To Step Back
Positions selected objects one step lower in the order
Please refer to the "Changing the order
in which objects are displayed" section for more
detailed information.
Bring To Step Front
Positions selected objects one step higher in the order
Please refer to the "Changing the order
in which objects are displayed" section for more
detailed information.
Rotate Left (90)
Rotates selected objects 90 degree counterclockwise.
See the "Rotating objects"
for more details.
Rotate Right (90)
Rotates selected objects 90 degree clockwise.
See the "Rotating objects"
for more details.
Flip Vertical
Creates vertically mirrored copies of the selected
Please refer to the "Flipping
objects" section for specifics.
Flip Horizontal
Creates horizontally mirrored copies of the selected
Please refer to the "Flipping
objects" section for specifics.
Edit Text
Turns on the text editing mode for the selected object.
For specifics, refer to the "Modifying
text in an object" section.
Show Table
Open the selected object's parameter table in a separate
For more specific information, please refer to the "Working with the table" section.
Creates a group of selected objects into a single unit.
For more specific information, please refer to the "Grouping objects" section.
Ungroups the selected grouped unit.
For more specific information, please refer to the "Grouping objects" section.
Edit Group
Opens a new window, where you can edit inside the selected
grouped unit.
For more specific information, please refer to the "Grouping objects" section.
Combines several selected objects into one object. Each object is
converted into a separate geometry.
Please refer to the "Combine"
section for specifics.
Joins several selected objects so they form a single
object. As the result of this operation, all geometries with
coinciding ends are considered as one solid geometry.
Please refer to the "Join"
section for specifics.
Forms an individual object for each geometry of the selected
Please refer to the "Scattering"
section for specifics.
Adds a new empty page to the active document.
See the "Adding a page"
section for details.
Removes the selected page of the document.
See the "Deleting a
page" section for details.
Allows you to rearrange pages in the active document.
For specifics, refer to the "Reordering
pages" section.
Go To
Activates the specified page.
For specifics, refer to the "Jumping
to another page" section.
Lets you rename the page.
Please see the "Naming a
page" section for details.
Centre Page
Positions selected objects in the centre of the page.
Color Palette
Allows to modify, load or save the color palette of the active
For specifics, refer to the "Color
Palette" section.
Displays the dialog where the grid properties of the active
document can be modified. Here you can set the grid spacing, its
origin, etc.
Please see the "Grid"
section for details.
Calls the dialog where snapping and gluing properties can be set
Refer to the "Snapping and
gluing" section for more detailed information.
Brings up the dialog where global environment properties can be
set: measurement units, page size for all new documents, path to
libraries and samples, supplied with the program, etc.
Refer to the "Program
configurations" section for more detailed information.
New Window
Opens a new window with the active document. It's a useful
feature when you're editing a page, but need to see its original
copy at the same time.
Arranges all open windows so that each next window
appears slightly down and to the right from the previous one.
This way you can access each window quickly.
Resizes and rearranges all open windows so that they don't
overlap one another.
Close All
Closes all open windows of the program, offering you to save all
unsaved data.
ConceptDraw Help
Calls ConceptDraw Help. This opens a separate window, where you
can see a number of articles containing information on how to use
the product. You may read or print the articles, search them for
necessary information.
ConceptDraw On the Web -> ConceptDraw Web Site
Launches your Internet browser and goes to the ConceptDraw web
ConceptDraw On the Web -> Register Now
Registers the program owner on the ConceptDraw web site:
Displays general information about the program: the
title, version number, copyright information.