Keyboard Shortcuts.


Ctrl+N Cmd+N Create New Document
Ctrl+O Cmd+O Open Document/Template/Workspace
Ctrl+S Cmd+S Save Document
Ctrl+P Cmd+P Print document
PgUp PgUp Scroll one window up
PgDn PgDn Scroll one window down
Ctrl+Home Cmd+Home Go to the top-left corner of the page
Ctrl+End Cmd+End Go to the bottom-left corner of the page
Ctrl+PgUp Cmd+PgUp Go to the previous document page
Ctrl+PgDn Cmd+PgDn Go to the next document page


Ctrl+F4 Cmd+W Close current window
Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+F6 - Set next window as active
Ctrl+"+" Cmd+"+" Zoom In
Ctrl+"-" Cmd+"-" Zoom Out
F3 F3 Show Table
F4 F4 Show/Hide Library Window


Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace Cmd+Z Undo last action
Ctrl+Y Cmd+Y Redo


Ctrl+X or Shift+Del Cmd+X Cut into the Clipboard
Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins Cmd+C Copy into the Clipboard
Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins Cmd+V Paste from the Clipboard
Del Del or Delete Delete selected object
Ctrl+D Cmd+D Duplicate object
Ctrl+B Cmd+B Send To Back
Ctrl+F Cmd+F Bring To Front
Ctrl+Shift+B Cmd+Shift+B Send To Step Back
Ctrl+Shift+F Cmd+Shift+F Bring To Step Front
Ctrl+L Cmd+L Rotate Left (90 degrees)
Ctrl+R Cmd+R Rotate Right (90 degrees)
Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow Cmd+Left/Right Arrow Rotate by 1 degree
Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right Arrow Cmd+Shift+Left/Right Arrow Rotate by 0.1 degree
Arrows Arrows Move the object one pixel at a keystroke
Shift+Arrows Shift+Arrows Move the object a few pixels at a keystroke
Ctrl+J Cmd+J Flip Vertical
Ctrl+H Cmd+H Flip Horizontal
Ctrl+G Cmd+G Group
Ctrl+U Cmd+U Ungroup
- Cmd+E Edit Group
Ctrl+Shift+E Cmd+Shift+E Edit hyperlink
Ctrl+Shift+H Cmd+Shift+H Open hyperlink


Ctrl+A Cmd+A Select all objects on page
Tab Tab Select next object in the order list
Shift+Tab Shift+Tab Select previous object in the order list


F1 - Call Help.

Switching between tools

Ctrl+1 Ctrl+1 Activate Select tool
Ctrl+2 Ctrl+2 Activate Rotate tool
Ctrl+3 Ctrl+3 Activate Line tool
Ctrl+4 Ctrl+4 Activate Sector tool
Ctrl+5 Ctrl+5 Activate Arc tool
Ctrl+6 Ctrl+6 Activate Spline tool
Ctrl+7 Ctrl+7 Activate Rectangle tool
Ctrl+8 Ctrl+8 Activate  Ellipse tool
Ctrl+9 Ctrl+9 Activate Connector tool
Ctrl+0 Ctrl+0 Activate Connection Point tool
F2 F2 Activate Edit Text tool
Space Space Activate Scroll Hand Tool


Ctrl+Shift+Click Cmd+Shift+Click Swap objects in the library. One of the object must be selected.
Ctrl+Shift+I Cmd+Shift+I Replaces the selected object in the library with the object selected in the document, maintaining the library object's icon.


F2 - starts editing the selected cell.

In the editing mode, clicking another cell:
single click - inserts the formula from the cell you clicked into the input field.
Ctrl+click (Cmd+click) - inserts the numeric value of the cell into the input field.
Alt+click - inserts the cell title into the input field.

Edit text

Ctrl+B Ctrl+B Bold
Ctrl+I Ctrl+I Italic
Ctrl+U Ctrl+U Underline
- Ctrl+O Outline
- Ctrl+S Shadow
- Ctrl+C Condense
Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Align on the left
Ctrl+E Ctrl+E Align on the center
Ctrl+R Ctrl+R Align on the right
Ctrl+">" Ctrl+">" Increase font
Ctrl+"<" Ctrl+"<" Decrease font
Ctrl+F - Select font
Ctrl+S - Select font size

Working with the mouse.

-Clicking objects with the Shift key held down selects each object you click.
-Rotate with Ctrl(Cmd) - rotate around common rotation centre.
-Resize with Shift - toggle between unproportional and proportional resizing.
-Drawing with Shift held down - constrained drawing mode.
-InsertVertex with Ctrl(Cmd) - cut line in this place.
-Stamp with Shift: for 2D objects - proportional resize; for 1D objects -invert connector's direction.
-Ctrl(Cmd), Shift for Connection Point and Edit Text tools - allows to select objects.
-Clicking on the alignment box of the object switches between the Select and Rotate tools.
-Dragging an object with the Ctrl key held down copies the object.
-Holding down the Alt key inverts the Snap mode.