
In alphabetical order:


By sections:




Functions for transformation and approximation:


Date and time:

Page properties:



Returns the absolute value of the arg number.

Returns the str string without changing it.

_ABS(-3) = 3
_ABS(0) =  0
_ABS(4) = 4
_ABS("Text") = "Text"


Returns the arc cosine of the arg (its value is within the -pi/2 to pi/2 range).
The argument value must be within the -1 to 1 ranger. Otherwise the error code generates.


Returns the bitwise AND;

Returns 1 - if the strings are not empty, and 0 - if at least one of them is empty.

Returns arg.

_AND( 1; 0) = 0
_AND( 3; 2) = 2
_AND("Hello!"; "") = 0
_AND("Text1"; "Text2") = 1
_AND("Text"; 2) = 2


Returns the arg angle, reduced to the 0 to 2*pi interval.

_ANG360( 481 deg ) = 121 deg
_ANG360( -4.5 rad) = 1.7832 rad


Returns the arc sine of arg (its value is within the -pi/2 to pi/2 range).
The argument value must be within a -1 to 1 range. Otherwise an error code is generated.


Returns the arctangent of arg (the returned value is within the -pi/2 to pi/2 range).


Returns the arctangent of (arg1/arg2). Unlike the _ATAN function, _ATAN2 correctly processes expressions where the arg2 value equals 0. Anyway, the returned value is within the -pi/2 to pi/2 range.

_ATAN( 1; 0 ) = 90 deg
_ATAN( 2; 2 ) = 45 deg


Returns the document author's name, which you specify in the Document Properties dialog (File/Document Properties).

"Author: "+_AUTHORNAME()= "Author: Bill Jonson"


Returns the X coordinate of the centre of the object. The centre of the object is:
- for the smart connector - the middle of its central segment, if the number of segments is odd, or the crossing point of two middle segments, if the number of the segment is even.
- for the rest objects - the centre of the alignment box.

This function may be used, say, for positioning the smart connector's text.


Returns the Y coordinate of the centre of the object. The centre of the object is:
- for the smart connector - the middle of its central segment, if the number of segments is odd, or the crossing point of two middle segments, if the number of the segment is even.
- for the rest objects - the centre of the alignment box.

This function may be used, say, for positioning the smart connector's text.


_CIRCLE_CENTERX(X1; Y1; X2; Y2; X3; Y3)
Returns the X coordinate of the centre of the circle, built upon the three points: (X1;Y1), (X2;Y2) and (X3;Y3). 


_CIRCLE_CENTERY(X1; Y1; X2; Y2; X3; Y3)
Returns the Y coordinate of the centre of the circle, built upon the three points: (X1;Y1), (X2;Y2) and (X3;Y3).


_CIRCLES3RD_X( X1; Y1; X2; Y2; H)
Returns the X coordinate of the point, that lies at the H distance from the middle point of the vector (X1;Y1) - (X2;Y2). If H is a positive number, this point is to the left of the vector, if negative - the point is to the right of the vector. This function is used to create an arc of the circle upon two points and the height of the arc.  


_CIRCLES3RD_Y( X1; Y1; X2; Y2; H)
Returns the Y coordinate of the point, that lies at the H distance from the middle point of the vector (X1;Y1) - (X2;Y2). If H is a positive number, this point is to the left of the vector, if negative - the point is to the right of the vector. This function is used to create an arc of the circle upon two points and the height of the arc.  


Returns the company name, that you specify in the Document Properties (File/Document Properties).

"Company: "+_COMPANYNAME()= "Company: Computer Systems Odessa corp."


Returns the cosine of arg (the returned value is within the -1 to 1 range) 


Returns the hyperbolic cosine of arg.


_CUT(arg; iarg)
This function discards a number of significant digits after the point from arg. The iarg parameter indicates how many digits to discard. For negative numbers, it discards the digits before the point.

_CUT( 123.4567; 3) = 123.456
_CUT(123.4567;-2) = 100
_CUT(123.4567;0) = 123


Returns the string with the current system date on your computer. The data format may vary with system and country.

_DATE() = 04.09.1999   (Mac)
_DATE() = 04 Sep 1999  (Win)


Converts arg from radians to degrees.

_DEG( 3.14) = 180
_DEG(_PI()*3) = 540


_ELLIPSE_ANGLE(koeffX; koeffY; iNumberGeometry; iNumberSegment)
Returns the inclination of the main radius of the ellipse with the central point with (Width*koeffX; Height*koeffY) local coordinates. Other parameters, required for building the ellipse, are taken from the segment with iNumberSegment number of the geometry with the iNumberGeometry number.
This function is the default formula for the D column of the EllipseTo segment in the table. 


_ELLIPSE_ASPECT(koeffX; koeffY; iNumberGeometry; iNumberSegment)
Returns the ratio between the large and the small radii of the ellipse with the central point with (Width*koeffX; Height*koeffY). Other parameters, required for building the ellipse, are taken from the segment with iNumberSegment number of the geometry with the iNumberGeometry number.
This function is the default formula for the C column of the EllipseTo segment in the table.  


Converts the string value of str to a number.

_EVALTEXT( "123.456 ") = 123.456
_EVALTEXT( "123") = 123 


If arg is not zero, returns the absolute value for arg.
If arg equals zero, returns 1.

Returns the string value str without changing it.

_FABS( -3 ) = 3
_FABS( 0 ) = 1
_FABS( 1 ) = 1
_FABS("Text") = "Text"


Returns the filename under which the document is stored.

_FILENAME() = "Chart.CDD"


Returns the largest integer number less or equal arg.

_FLOOR( 123.4567 ) = 123
_FLOOR( -45.345 ) = -46
_FLOOR( 0 ) = 0


Returns the filename under which the document is stored with the full path.
_FULLFILENAME() = "D:\ConceptDraw\Chart.cdd"   (Win)
_FULLFILENAME() = "MyDisk:Desktop Folder:Chart.cdd"  (Mac)


_GRAVITY(Angle; limit1; limit2)
If Angle is more than limit1 or less than limit2, returns 0,
If Angle is within the [limit1;limit2] range - returns the pi number.
Normally this function is used for orientating the text box, so that the text is readable in whatever position of the object.

_GRAVITY(30deg; 15 deg; 165 deg) = 0
_GRAVITY(195deg; 15 deg; 165 deg) = pi
_GRAVITY(Angle;-90 deg;90 deg)


_HYP(X; Y)
Returns the length of the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle with X and Y legs.

_HYP( 4; 3 ) = 5


If arg1 is a non-zero number, or a non-empty string, the function returns arg2, otherwise - arg3.

  _IF( 2 > 1; 3; 4 ) = 3
  _IF( ""; 3; 4 ) = 4


Returns the decimal logarithm of arg.


Returns the natural logarithm of arg.


Converts the (X;Y) point from the global coordinates to local coordinates. Returns the X coordinate for the resulting point.


Converts the (X;Y) point from the global coordinates to local coordinates. Returns the Y coordinate for the resulting point.


Returns the largest of the two numbers: arg1 and arg2.

Returns the number arg (the string value is ignored).

 Returns the length for the longest of two strings: str1 and str2.

_MAX( 4; 6 ) = 6
_MAX( "Text"’ ; " Big text ") = 8
_MAX( "Text" ; 7 ) =7


Returns the string containing the current unit of measure.

_MEASURE() = "ft"


Returns the minimal of two numbers: arg1 and arg2.

Returns the number arg (the string value is ignored).

 Returns the length for the shortest of two strings: str1 and str2.

_MIN( 4; 6 ) = 6
_MIN( "Text"’ ; " Big text ") = 8
_MIN( "Text" ; 7 ) =7


Returns the excess of arg1 divided by arg2

Returns the number arg it the other argument is the string str.

Returns zero if both arguments are strings.

_MOD( 19; 6 ) = 1
_MOD( "Text" ; "Big text") = 0
_MOD( "Text" ; 7 ) =7


If arg is zero or an empty string, returns 1.
Otherwise returns 0.



Returns bitwise OR;

Returns 1 - if at least one of the strings is non-empty, 0 - if both strings are empty.

Returns the number arg.

  _OR( 1; 0) = 1
  _OR("Hello!"; "") = 1
  _OR("Text1"; "Text2") = 1
  _OR("Text";2) = 2


Returns the height of the document page. Note, that the page size is set in the Document Properties dialog, under the Page tab.


Returns the name of the page to which the object belongs. You can set the name in the Page Properties dialog.


Returns the number of the page to which the object belongs..


Returns the number of pages in the document.


Returns the width of the document page. Note, that the page size is set in the Document Properties dialog, under the Page tab.


Returns the pi number.


Raises arg1 to a power of arg2.

Returns the arg number if the other argument is a string.

Returns zero if both arguments are strings.

_POW( 2; 3 ) = 8
_POW( "Text" ; " Big text ") = 0
_POW( "Text" ; 7 ) = 7


Converts arg from degrees to radians.

  _RAD( 90 ) = 1.57


Returns a random value within 0 to 32K range.


_ROUND(arg; iarg)
Returns arg approximated to iarg digits after the point.

_ROUND( 123.4567; 3) = 123.457
_ROUND(123.4567;-2) = 100
_ROUND(123.67;0) = 124


Returns a string describing the current scale of the document in the "N : M" format.

_SCALE() = "1 : 1"
_SCALE() = "4 in : 1 ft"


_SETF(str; arg)
_SETF(str; strarg)
This function changes the values in the table cells. String str specifies the name of the cell, where to put the data. The arg parameter must contain the new value for the cell. The strarg parameter must contain the string with a new formula for the cell.

_SETF( ’’Geometry1.X2’’; ’’Geometry2.X3/2 + Geometry3.X2/4’’)
_SETF(’’Width’’ ; 125 cm)


Returns the sign of arg:
-1, if arg<0,
1, if arg>0
0, if arg=0

_SIGN( 123.4567 ) = 1
_SIGN(-123.4567 ) = -1
_SIGN( 0 ) = 0


Returns the sine of arg (the returned value is within -1 to 1 range).


Returns the hyperbolic sine of arg .


Returns the square root from arg. The resulting value is undefined for negative numbers.


Returns the tangent of arg.


Returns the hyperbolic tangent of arg


_TEXTHEIGHT(str; arg)
This function calculates the height of the text block, when arg is assigned as its width. The str parameter is usually the contents of text field of the object (the TheText field in the table). When calculating the height, this function considers all current text settings for the object (styles, indents and margins, etc).

_TEXTHEIGHT(TheText;2 in)


_TEXTLEFT(str; iarg)
Returns first iarg characters of the str string.

_TEXTLEFT( "A big text."; 5) = "A big"


Returns the length of the str string (the number of characters in the string).

_TEXTLENGTH("A big text.") = 11


_TEXTRIGHT(str; iarg)
Returns last iarg characters of the str string.

_TEXTRIGHT( "A big text"; 4) = "text"


Returns the width of the str string considering all current text settings of the object (styles, indents and margins, etc.). Normally, this function is used to make the text box the same width as the width of the longest string in the object's text.



Returns current system time in the "hours:minutes:seconds" format.

_TIME() = "19:27:13"


Returns the title of the document. The title is specified in the Document Properties dialog, the General tab.


Converts the arg number into a string and returns the string.

_VALTOTEXT( 567.89 ) = "567.89"


Converts the arg number in a string considering the currently used units of measure.

_VALTOTEXTMES(15) = "1/16"
_VALTOTEXTMES(1.5 in)+" in." = "1 1/2 in."


Converts the (X;Y) point from local coordinates to global coordinates. Returns the X coordinate for the resulting point.


Converts the (X;Y) point from local coordinates to global coordinates. Returns the Y coordinate for the resulting point.


Returns the bitwise XOR.

Returns 1 - if only one string is not empty; 0 - if both strings are empty, or both are not empty.

Returns the arg number.

_XOR( 1;1 ) = 0
_XOR("Text1";"Text2") = 0
_XOR("Text"; 2) = 2