Various options



Open files read-only;

ASPEdit offers the ability to open files readonly, this can be done either via checking the mark on the open
files dialog, or checking the mark on the filemanager window, The VCS manager also allows to open files

Making text a perl function;

You can easily convert selected text to a full perl function, simply select a range of text, then select the tools menu, from there select make selected text perl function,  and follow the instructions of the assistant.

FrontPage extensions;

ASPEdit also supports Microsoft's FrontPage extensions, you can find them under the Insert statements menu, then select FrontPage extensions.

Code completion and Macro's;

ASPEdit supports code completion, start typing a tag, then press ctrl+space and ASPEdit will suggest which tag is best to use, on top of that ASPEdit also supports macro's, a strong feature just create a launch statement (!js for example), then press shift+space and ASPEdit will expand it to JavaScript.