Document handling (the edit screens)

The main statusbar displays the current time and date, and will alert you if there are any error messages to display.

The status bar will indicate how many lines the current document holds, which line you are currently  editing and where the cursor position in the that line is. This statusbar is document specific, and will only display information about the current active document.

The Right mouse button menu

Undo, Undoes the last action taken in the edit screen

Cut / copy and paste, Allows you to either cut, copy or paste the selected text. The text will be inserted at the current cursor position

Uppercase, Lower case and Capitalize selection,
This will either uppercase or lowercase the selected text, capitalize will propercase the selected text.
eg. this will turn out as - This Will Turn Out As.

Print document, Prints current active document

Jump to Line, jumps to the line-number you inserted

Show File-manager, this will popup the file-manager window

Close file, closes the current active document.

The file menu explorer allows you to quickly select the file(s) you want to load, right click to select the file-mask you want to be the active file-mask (*.asp / *.asa / *.inc / *.htm /*.html /*.shtml / or all files)

The manager tab displays all files currently open within the editor