1 Usage: screnc [/?] [/s] [/f] [/xl] [/l ScriptLanguage] [/e DefaultExtension]\n \n\n 2 Unrecognized flag: %1\n 3 Source and destination are the same ('%1').\nUse -f switch to override\n 4 Cannot open file '%1' for reading\n 5 Cannot open file '%1' for writing\n 6 Bad format for file '%1'\n 7 Out of memory\n 8 Scripting encoder object ("Scripting.Encoder") not found\n 9 Scripting encoder object ("Scripting.Encoder") failed on %1\n 10 OleInitialize failed\n 11 OleUnInitialize failed\n 12 Internal error\n 13 Input file (%1) does not specify a valid extension, use -e option\n 14 File %1 has a special attribute (read-only, hidden, sysytem), it will not be encoded\n 15 Missing \n 16 Missing \n 17 Encode embedded script.\n\n/? - Help\n/s - Silent: display no messages\n/f - Force: allow file(s) overwrite (source == destination)\n/xl - Exclude Language: does not add the language directive in asp files\n/l ScriptLanguage -\n Script Default Language: specify the default script language to be\n used when encoding\n/e DefaultExtension -\n Default Extension: override actual file extension. Control the\n encoder to be loaded.\n\n The file to encode. It can have wildcard characters.\n\n The destination file. When contains wildcard characters,\n is the directory where to place the encoded \n files; files will keep the same name. When and \n are the same /f must be used.\n\nExamples:\n screnc test.html encode.html\n encode test.html into encode.html\n screnc /f test.html\n encode and override test.html\n screnc /e html test.txt test1.txt\n treat text.txt as an html file, encode it into text1.txt\n screnc test.asp c:\myDir\test.asp\n encode test.asp into c:\myDir\test.asp\n screnc *.asp c:\myDir\n encode all the asp files in the current directory and place\n them in c:\myDir\n screnc -s -f *.sct\n encode all the scriptlet files in the current directory and\n override them. No message is displayed\n screnc -e asp *.* c:\myDir\n encode *all* the files in the current directory as asp files.\n Place these files in c:\myDir\n screnc -e asp -xl *.inc c:\myDir\n encode all the files with .inc extension as asp files.\n Does not add the @LANGUAGE directive at the top of the file\n screnc -l vbscript test.html encode.html\n encode test.html into encode.html. When a script tag with\n no language attribute is found, VBScript is assumed to be\n the default language. If -l is not specified, JScript is\n assumed for html and VBScript is the default for asp\n 18 Incomplete flag: %1\n