Advantix Calculator Order Form ============================== * The price for each order is indicated below. Please pay in US currency using check, money order or credit card: o $29.00 US Order Date:___________ Name: ______________________ Company: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ Country: _______________________________________ Day Phone: ______________ Evening Phone: _________________ Electronic Mail address: ________________________________ (Please provide us with your e-mail. We can quickly confirm the order and send the Authorization Key) Registration Number: ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ (You must specify the registration number. We will send you the Authorization Key corresponding to that registration number) Payment method: Check or Money Order: ____ Credit Card Number : ____________________ Type Of Card: ___________ Expiration Date: _____________ ==================================================================== You can order Advantix Calculator via post office mail, e-mail, fax or using our website. Post Office Mail ================ Print and fill out the order form and send it to: Dr. Steven Lam MathEduSoft 2183 Buckingham Road P.O.Box 833846, #239 Richardson, TX 75081 USA Order By Fax ============ Print and fill out the order form and fax it to: Dr. Steven Lam MathEduSoft 972-644-0856 Order By E-mail =============== Copy and paste the order form to your e-mail. Edit the order form (in your e-mail) to fill out the required information. E-mail your order form (letter) to: Order Online ============