

1.Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
2.Ministry of Transportation and Communications
3.Doc. MUDr. Zdeněk Dytrych, CSc.
4.Prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Matějček
5.MUDr. Peter Pöthe






Prague, August 25 th, 1999
Dear Mrs. Director,

   let me voice my thanks for your letter where you asked me for my patronage over the educational/upbringing programme called "Let's Give a Chance to the Children of Tereza Maxová Foundation".

  I am accepting this patronage with pleasure as I consider the project as unique in its aims and beneficial from the social prevention point of view.

  Wishing you much success in your beneficial activities and stay with my greetings.

  Yours sincerely



Prague, July 29th, 1999
Č.j. 3488/99-KM

Dear Mrs. Director,

  let me thank you for your letter. I am, of course, joining those who will provide you their guarantee for the project called "Let's Give a Chance to Children"

  I am aware of the complicated situation in this branch, being also convinced that just the form of the project, suitably selected patronage activities and contacts with sponsors will ensure successful realisation of the project. Concerning the industry within my control, I am trying to make use of my Ministry representatives at the management and supervision bodies of the companies with their capital share owned by state and persuade these companies to respect this fact and bring about the suitable conditions for this type of sponsoring. I will happily receive all information about the course of the project. Wishing you many successes, lots of sponsors, and overall support to successful realisation of the project.
Yours sincerely                                                        


Tereza Maxová Foundation
  Although the Tereza Maxová Foundation is not lacking good ideas how to help lonely children, the last one has surprised me pleasantly. The matter is a remarkable idea to support the lonely children in their Children's Homes (and there are several thousands of them) in such a way that will prepare the material conditions for further development of the particularly gifted children showing some intense interest in sporting, artistic activity or of those who are otherwise talented to a unusual extent, such as in computer handling or foreign languages.
 Everyday we are reading or hearing the media complaints about the national budget insufficiency, warning that this deficit will grow, and that the financial subsidies to the individual industries have to be cut accordingly. It is uneasy to imagine that, in such a situation, the headquarters of these children's homes could afford to incur some additional funds, supporting thus their talented children, could pay, for example some language school fees, purchase specialised software types for the computers, not speaking about tennis lesson costs at all. And this is just the situation in which the activity of the Tereza Maxová Foundation appeared with the intention that from the available funds could be reimbursed what a talented child needs but what cannot be provided by a normal, routine operation of such a children home. If a child were living in its complete family and showed his talent to actually anything, it would have supposedly been strongly supported in this respect by its parents. It is obvious from what we see everywhere around us.
  I am unambiguously supporting the entire activity and its "Let's Give a Chance to Children" project.

With my wishes of success



Tereza Maxová Foundation
  Let's Give a Chance to Children -- I think it's a splendid idea. Seen from the viewpoint of my professional field -- child psychology -- I cannot do otherwise than just to recommend it. There are, let's say, two indisputable things about this idea:
  At first, the children growing in the children's homes need our help without any doubts. If they have neither their own family, nor a spare one that could take care of them, the care is within the responsibility of our wide society, but whether it is a good care is what matters here!
 Secondly, if a child is gifted marvellously or in possession of some special talent, it is a precious value not only for the child itself, but for entire society. Such a value must not be lost only because there are no external conditions for its proper revaluation. It is a gift that cannot be bought for any money, though many times really lost without a financial support and material backgrounds.
  If these two requirements are taken together, we have a new project of the Tereza Maxová Foundation in all its beauty.
  And thus I wish to this project lucky path to life.



Tereza Maxová Foundation
People are born as unique creatures. If they have enough to eat and a sufficient measure of safety they will succeed in surviving. If they find love enough they will remain unrepeatable and original characters who - everyone with his specific work - will contribute to the wealth of human community. Children living in children's homes succeed in surviving. They do not starve, they do not feel cold and they have a shelter to hide in. There are even many of them who - from time to time - come across love. What they do n o t have is chance. Chance to reveal their own individuality to develop it fully. With some of them their individuality consists in their talent for arts, in their endowment for languages, others have a gift of iltellectual potential, ability to think in mathematical categories or some of them are talented for computer programming. Thanks to the project "Let's give children a chance", Foundation of Tereza Maxová, we can give these children a chance that their originality becomes a source of satisfaction not only for themselves but for human community in general. A chance that they will not come to the end of individuals surviving in a consumer society only, but, on the contrary, to the end of people who will not take only but who will have also something to offer.
MUDr. Peter Pöthe
pediatrician - psychiatrist
author of the book Child in jeopardy
