1.Why did the Tereza Maxová Foundation prepare the project called "Chance for children"?
2.Who is the project's partner?
3.Why this project implementation via Internet?
4.How does the project work?
5.How to move among the sites?
6.Will the money actually go directly to the children?
7.Is the project really as transparent as it is presented?
8.Whom is the project designed to?
9.Can I send some money to more children?
10.How are the children being selected for the project?
11.Will a child know by whom it has been supported?
12.How will the donators be informed about effectiveness of their contribution?
13.What is duration of the project?
Why did the Tereza Maxová Foundation prepare the project called "Chance for children"?
The Tereza Maxová Foundation has been active in the field of lonely children for more than two years. We often encounter the reality that children living in children's homes have limited opportunities to pursue their hobbies, the cost of which frequently exceeds the resources of the children's home. That is why the Tereza Maxová Foundation tries to increase children's chances through this project.
Who is the project's partner?
The project's partners are companies without whose financial support the project would be difficult to bring to fruition. These include Nokia, which has become its general sponsor. The public relation campaign has been prepared and implemented free-of-charge by the advertising company of
McCann Ericson Prague. The Investment and Post Bank has provided 50 current accounts which will serve for transparent realisation of the project. The company of Atlas provided its technical support making it possible for the www form of the project to be operated, the authorship of the graphic design belongs to the Netstudio in line with the specifications provide by the Tereza Maxová Foundation.
Why this project implementation via Internet?
Internet is the field of communication with its broadest dynamics of development. The Tereza Maxová Foundation, when placing all options under its consideration, has found in Internet its optimum opportunity how to present not only the children's stories, but their needs as well, so that they are as understandable as possible.
How does the project work?
The project offers the opportunity to support any specific upbringing and educational activity through a financial contribution of any size. The project's fundamental characteristic is its transparency, which is why each child has its own Internet page and its own account.
How to move among the sites?
For clear orientation within the web sites the structure has been divided into three parts: on the left-hand side (tree-shaped one) the references to the categories are available, where the children's needs are classified under the titles Future Profession, Education, and Inclinations and Hobbies. Under Future Profession (looking like a pear) the children are stated whose needs are closely related with their anticipated professional commitment. The category of Education (apple-shaped) comprises the children who want to develop their education in various fields.
The (plum-shaped) column inscribed Inclinations and Hobbies contains the children who have not yet manifested themselves as to their education and profession, but have various need related mainly to their hobbies. To the right, in the form of a path pointer, key information about the project is available. Through the door at the bottom part of the screen a section can be entered for an information about the progress reached already by the children that had been assisted.
Will the money actually go directly to the children?
Every child included in the project is presented by its own story describing how it entered a Children's Home (Fostering Care) and other facts designed to make the visitors more familiar with the child. The child's site will give an account of the hobby-related activities and the need the satisfaction of which has been defined in co-operation with the Home's headmaster as significant for further development of the child's skills. Moreover, the amount is published on the site, necessary for satisfaction of this particular need. In many cases, the amount is the sum of individual contributions so that the child's endowment is complete. Each child has its own specific bank account to which the public can contribute any contributions. Every time when a particular amount is ready to support the child, the Tereza Maxová Foundation will ensure that the invoice is paid.
Is the project really as transparent as it is presented?
Yes. The project is based on the simple and time-proven model of "specific child-specific need-specific contribution."
Whom is the project designed to?
The project is, of course, for all those who are willing to contribute to a child's account with any financial amount. It is not confined to the Internet users only as the sites dedicated to the individual children will announce you just the account number-related information. It is not yet possible to mail money via Internet. And also every can inform his/her relatives, friends, and acquaintances, winning them for support.
Can I send some money to more children?
The willingness to contribute for the activities of several children at the same time is, of course, highly desirable. In such a case, however, the donator will have to send the money several times according exactly to the of the children's about to be supported this way. The value contributed is unlimited.
How are the children being selected for the project?
The children are not however selected for the project, the Children's Homes do not organise any competitions for the participation candidates. At the foundation's invitation, the directors and psychologists of specific children's homes select children that want to develop their interests and talents. Each child in the invited children's home has the chance to join in the project. It depends only on each of them. At the same time, the Tereza Maxová Foundation's aim is to have as many children as possible in the project.
Will a child know by whom it has been supported?
After consulting the issue with the child psychologists the Tereza Maxová Foundation came to its decision not to open the identity of donators, as otherwise it could happen that a child will acquire an emotional bind to these persons and this bind could have an adverse effect on its future expectations and cause a dependence on the contribution. This doesn't mean, however, that, on the other hand, the donators cannot follow the child supported by them. Due to the transparency we want every donator to come back onto the site, having read there an information about the child within the category already supported. Here the information is available about the child's successfulness and progress reached in the particular activity.
How will the donators be informed about effectiveness of their contribution?
Once a required amount is available at an account, the child is moved into the section of the sites, called "Information on Children" (a door-shaped reference at the bottom screen. Here, you can look up a particular child, using its name, code, data, and category and get to know about its successes/progress on this particular site.
What is duration of the project?
In respect of the children's needs that can be satisfied by particular amounts for a limited period of time only, and there are numerous cases where continuity of the activities will have to be ensured (such as the continuation lessons and others), the project shall continue until it is viable and able to bring enough funds able to support the educational and upbringing activities of the lonely children. This is, of course, up to the donators and their generosity.
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