Kulak Commander 1.0 beta ++Overview !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! I assume no liability for damages direct or consequential, !!! !!! which may result from the use of Kulak Commander. !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kulak Commander (KC) is win32 console similar to Volkov Commander. Because i don't like big programs i add some special features for me : 1. simple (RL)"Reminder" intead Outlook :) You can set only date when to remind and text. 2. (RL)"Notes" on shortcut I was too lazy write menus, so all actions are on shortcuts Keys, and I think that it's faster for work when you learn them. :^) KC does't support mouse. Sorry. :( ...... it's console "Fast hand commander" KC is distributed as FREEWARE. If you'll have any suggestions or ideas how to improve on KC don't hesitate to mail me vaclav.kulakovsky@definity.cz ++Keys Some differen keys from VC ++Misc. commands CTRL + L make file list ( mp3 :) F9 set file attributes CTRL + F10 save configuration CTRL + I hide or show info panel CTRL + K configure colors CTRL + Q quit CTRL + R refresh panel CTRL + E history up CTRL + M color or mono or user color configuration LALT + UP history up LALT + DOWN history down CTRL + P set KC priority SHIFT + (UP or DOWN) select files CTRL + F push directory CTRL + G pop directory CTRL + C or insert copy command line to clipboard CTRL + H files highlighting CTRL + J files highlighting on/off CTRL + W opens new editor window run : kc e filename //opens kc editor F2 make hard NTFS links (not recursive) LEFT_CTRL + SHIFT + 0-9 save Folder shortcut LEFT_CTRL + 0-9 goto Folder shortcut SHIFT + F5 Copy file (file name appears in dialog) SHIFT + F6 Rename file (file name appears in dialog) ++Sort panels CTRL + F1 sort by name CTRL + F2 sort by name dir first CTRL + F3 sort by extension dir first CTRL + F4 sort by extension dir first Mask CTRL + F5 sort by time CTRL + F6 sort by size CTRL + F7 unsorted ++Panel display CTRL + D panel display type (size,date,attr....) CTRL + Z minimize KC CTRL + arrows change panels sizes LALT + (UP or DOWN) history up or down ++Drives LALT + (LEFT or RIGHT) change drive RALT + (A,B,C,D...) change drive (winnt only) ++Run process SHIFT + ENTER run process on new console SHIFT + CTRL + ENTER run process on new console with low priority F3,F4 can change directory like mc in Linux ;-) ++Find files LALT + F8 last file find ++Editor F8,F9 for unix like files manipulation :) CTRL + T put note datetime macro CTRL + C,V,X clipboard actions in EDITOR CTRL + G goto line - simple syntax highlighting (you can configure in ini file) F3 find next CTRL + W select word CTRL + F find F4 replace CTRL + F4 replace and search next CTRL + 0..9 set bookmark ALT + 0..9 goto bookmark CTRL + F5 save cur row to goto line CTRL + A select all CTRL + Z undo ! editor can show max 5000 columns ++Reminder simple reminder (i don't like outlook :) times - D2 = 2 days from now H5 = 2 hours from now M50 = 50 min from now 01/01/98 10:22 = date time CTRL + A Reminder add task CTRL + T Reminder task list (manager) ++Notes CTRL + N Notes (directory for notes) CTRL + Y Fast notes for Mike :) (always saves changes) ++Macros Macros are used to do some actions on selected (current) file(s),directories. ALT + F9 create (edit) macros RIGHT_CTRL + 0..9 run macros ++Ini file example: [Kc] color_config=2 max_edit_size=3200000 max_find_files=1000 max_history=500 sleep_between_IO=0 edit_word_stop_chars=(){};,[].<>/\[]+-*!@#$%&? kc_debug=0 [Run] rar=rar.exe arj=arj.exe x -a [Edit] rar=rar.exe arj=rar.exe exe=hiew.exe com=hiew.exe z=gzip -d gz=gzip -d [View] rar=rar.exe arj=rar.exe com=hiew.exe z=gzip -l gz=gzip -l j=jar32 l [User_colors] cb_panel=0 ct_panel=15 cb_find_panel=16 ct_find_panel=7 cb_info_panel=0 ct_info_panel=7 cb_info_panel_cell=128 ct_info_panel_cell=15 cb_panel_cursor=112 ct_panel_cursor=0 ct_select_item=14 ct_select_item_find=14 cb_input=112 ct_input=0 cb_bar_background=0 ct_bar_background=15 cb_bar_foreground=112 ct_bar_foreground=0 cb_dialog=128 ct_dialog=15 cb_error=64 ct_error=14 cb_error_word=224 ct_error_word=0 cb_selected_block=224 ct_selected_block=0 cb_small_drive=224 ct_small_drive=12 [Reminder] [HighLight] hl1=*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.cmd; hl2= hl3=*.rar;*.j;*.arj;*.zip;*.gz;*.tar;*.tgz; hl4=*.txt;*.doc;*.wri;readme.*;*.diz;*.nfo; hl5=*.ini;*.inf;*.reg; hl6= hl7=*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp;*.tga;*.pcx; hl8=*.htm;*.html; hl_attr1=0 hl_attr2=16 hl_attr3=0 hl_attr4=0 hl_attr5=0 hl_attr6=0 hl_attr7=0 hl_attr8=0 [Macros] ctrl0= jar32 a -m4 -r %i_JarFileNameDir %selected_\*.* ctrl1=jar32 a -m4 %i_JarFileName %selected_ ctrl2=rar a -r -s -mm -md1024 -m5 -rr %i_RarFileName %selected_ ctrl3= ctrl4= ctrl5= ctrl6=jar32 x -y %currname ctrl7= ctrl8= ctrl9= [EditorHighLight] esh0_type=c,cpp,cc,h,hpp,java, esh0_comstart=/* esh0_comend=*/ esh0_comrow=// esh0_comcolor=11 esh0_string="\ esh0_strcolor=14 esh0_number=01234567890ABCDEFabcdefxX. esh0_numbercolor=13 esh0_color10= , asm, auto, break, case, catch, cdecl, char, class, const, continue, default, delete, double, do, else, enum, extern, far, float, for, friend, goto, huge, if, interrupt, int, long, near, new, operator, pascal, private, protected, public, register, return, short, signed, sizeof, static, struct, switch, template, this, throw, try, typedef, union, unsigned, virtual, void, volatile, while, yield, bool, false, true, esh0_color11= ,{,},[,],(,),.,=,+,-,*,/,:,;,<,>,|,&,~,!,^,?,", esh0_color12= ,#define,#elif,#else,#endif,#error,#ifdef,#ifndef,#if,#include,#line,#pragma,#undef,elif,inline,warn,, #define, #elif, #else, #endif, #error, #ifdef, #ifndef, #if, #include, #line, #pragma, #undef, elif, inline, warn, ;esh0_color13= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, esh1_type=htm,html,asp, esh1_color11= ,<,>,/, esh1_color13=, aacute, ABBREV, acirc, aelig, agrave, ALINK, alpha, amp, AMP, ap, aring, atilde, auml, B, BASEFONT, BASELINE, beta, BGCOLOR, BLOCKQUOTE, bottom, BR, BT, ccedil, CELLPADDING, CELLSPACING, CHECKBOX, chi, COLS, COLSPAN, COLSPEC, copy, DD, delta, DFN, DIR, DIV, DL, DOCTYPE, DT, eacute, ecirc, egrave, EM, emdash, empty, emsp, ENCTYPE, endash, endash, ensp, epsilon, eq, equiv, EQUIV, eta, eth, euml, FAQ, FTP, gamma, ge, GIF, gt, GT, HR, HREF, HSPACE, HTM, HTML, HTTP, iacute, icirc, igrave, IMG, inf, INT, iota, ISINDEX, iuml, JPG, kappa, KBD, lambda, le, LI, LIT, LOCALHOST, lt, LT, MAILTO, MAXLENGTH, MD, META, mu, NBSP, ne, nequiv, NEWSRC, NEXTID, NOBR, NOSHADE, NOWRAP, ntilde, nu, oacute, ocirc, ograve, OL, omega, omicron, oslash, otilde, ouml, P, phi, pi, PRE, psi, quot, QUOT, reg, REL, REV, rho, ROWSPAN, SAMP, shy, sigma, SQRT, SRC, STRONG, SUB, SUP, szlig, tau, TD, TELNET, TEXTAREA, TH, theta, thorn, TR, trade, TT, uacute, ucirc, ugrave, UL, upsilon, URL, uuml, VALIGN, VAR, VLINK, WAIS, WBR, WebEdit, WWW, xi, yacute, zeta, esh1_string="\ esh1_strcolor=14 esh1_comrow=// esh1_comstart=<% esh1_comend=%> esh1_comcolor=10 esh2_type=bat, esh2_color10= , APPEND, ASSIGN, ATTRIB, BACKUP, BREAK, CALL, CD, CHCP, CHDIR, CHKDSK, CLS, COMMAND, COMP, COPY, CTTY, DATE, DEBUG, DEL, DIR, DISKCOMP, DISKCOPY, DOSKEY, DOSSHELL, DO, ECHO, EDIT, EDLIN, EMM386, ERASE, EXE2BIN, EXIST, EXIT, EXPAND, FASTOPEN, FC, FDISK, FIND, FORMAT, FOR, GOTO, GRAFTABL, GRAPHICS, HELP, IF, IN, JOIN, KEYB, LABEL, LH, LOADHIGH, MD, MEM, MIRROR, MKDIR, MODE, MORE, NLSFUNC, NOT, PATH, PAUSE, PRINT, PROMPT, QBASIC, RD, RECOVER, RENAME, REN, REPLACE, RESTORE, RMDIR, SETVER, SET, SHARE, SHIFT, SORT, SUBST, SYS, TIME, TREE, TYPE, UNDELETE, UNFORMAT, VERIFY, VER, VOL, XCOPY, esh3_type=pl, esh3_comrow=# esh3_comcolor=11 esh3_string="\ esh3_strcolor=14 esh3_number=01234567890ABCDEFabcdefxX. esh3_numbercolor=13 esh3_color10= , asm, auto, break, case, catch, cdecl, char, class, const, continue, default, delete, double, do, else, enum, extern, far, float, for, friend, goto, huge, if, interrupt, int, long, near, new, operator, pascal, private, protected, public, register, return, short, signed, sizeof, static, struct, switch, template, this, throw, try, typedef, union, unsigned, virtual, void, volatile, while, yield, sub, esh3_color11= ", esh3_color12= ,#define,#elif,#else,#endif,#error,#ifdef,#ifndef,#if,#include,#line,#pragma,#undef,elif,inline,warn,, #define, #elif, #else, #endif, #error, #ifdef, #ifndef, #if, #include, #line, #pragma, #undef, elif, inline, warn, esh4_type=pas, esh4_color10= , AND, ARRAY, ASM, BEGIN, BOOLEAN, BYTE, CASE, CHAR, COMP, CONSTRUCTOR, CONST, DESTRUCTOR, DIV, DOUBLE, DOWNTO, DO, ELSE, END, EXIT, EXTENDED, EXTERNAL, FALSE, FILE, FORWARD, FOR, FUNCTION, GOTO, IF, IMPLEMENTATION, INTEGER, INTERFACE, IN, LABEL, LONGINT, MOD, NIL, NOT, OBJECT, OF, OR, OTHERWISE, PACKED, PRIVATE, PROCEDURE, PROGRAM, REAL, RECORD, REPEAT, SEGMENT, SET, SHL, SHR, SHORTINT, SINGLE, STRING, THEN, TO, TRUE, TYPE, UNIT, UNTIL, USES, VAR, VIRTUAL, WHILE, WITH, WORD, XOR esh4_color11= @,(,),.,=,*,+,-,/,[,],$,#,<,>,:,;, esh4_color12= , ABS, ARCTAN, CHR, COS, DISPOSE, EOF, EOLN, EXP, GET, LN, NEW, ODD, ORD, PACK, PAGE, PRED, PUT, READLN, READ, RESET, REWRITE, ROUND, SIN, SQRT, SUCC, TRUNC, UNPACK, WRITELN, WRITE esh4_color13= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, esh4_comstart={ esh4_comend=} esh4_comcolor=11 esh4_string=' esh4_strcolor=14 esh5_type=ini, esh5_color13= [,], esh5_comstart=[ esh5_comend=] esh5_comcolor=11 esh6_type=kch, esh6_comrow=++ esh6_comcolor=11 [Folder shortcut] folder0=C:\